Vilas Tonape
Department Chair, Commercial, Fine and Performing ArtsExpertise: Painting, Drawing, Seminar in Art Profession, Art Criticism and Theory, and Design and Color.
Visit Tonape's portfolio. Department: Commercial, Fine, and Performing Arts (CFPA) Humanities/Arts Center (WA) 2034
Wilmington Campus 910-362-7885 vtonape@cfcc.edu
Vilas Tonape chairs the Department of Commercial, Fine and Performing Arts. A native of India, Tonape received his BFA in Drawing and Painting with distinction from Sir J.J. School of Art, University of Bombay. He then earned an MFA in Painting from Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.
His work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally, including at venues in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Ontario, and Mumbai. In addition, Tonape’s work has been featured in over 40 group and solo exhibitions as well as over 40 juried exhibitions.
Tonape’s artwork has won numerous awards both at home and abroad. In 2019, Tonape was inducted into Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest and largest all-discipline honor society. His work has been critically acclaimed; Palm Beach Post says: “Tonape’s painting can be described as classically inspired, contemporary-realism—interpretive images that enchant the eye.”
- Master of Fine Arts (MFA), Painting, Texas Christian University
- Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Drawing and Painting (with distinction), Sir J.J. School of Art – University of Bombay
Click here to visit Tonape’s portfolio.Research/Teaching Expertise:
Painting, Drawing, Seminar in Art Profession, Art Criticism and Theory, and Design and Color.