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Attendance Leniency Accommodation

For the Attendance Leniency Accommodation to apply — before an absence, the student must provide an Authorized Accommodation Letter to their instructor, which indicates the approval of this accommodation. This accommodation is not retroactive.

When the student is absent from class and requests this accommodation applies, the absence must relate directly to the student’s disability on file with the Student Accessibility Services Office (SAS).

Students who have been approved for this accommodation have reviewed and agreed to the parameters listed below:

  • The student must be making satisfactory progress in the course to be eligible for this accommodation.
  • The student must contact their instructor within 24 hours of the disability-related absence.
  • The student must inform the SAS office within 24 hours of the disability-related absence.
  • SAS staff may require the student to provide additional documentation related to their absence to determine if the absence qualifies for this accommodation. If acceptable documentation is not provided, per SAS’s request, this accommodation cannot apply.
  • SAS staff will contact the course instructor, informing them that this accommodation will apply to the student’s absence.
  • The student is responsible for: 1 – contacting their instructor to obtain missing coursework caused by the absence and 2 –submitting the coursework, per the instructor’s timeline.
  • the student must maintain communication with SAS and the instructor.
  • If the student’s disability-related absences cause them to fall too far behind in the course, a withdrawal may be recommended.
  • This accommodation cannot apply in classes or situations where attendance is considered essential, i.e., labs, group projects or activities, shops, or clinical settings.
  • This accommodation might not apply to asynchronous online classes.
  • For hybrid classes, this accommodation does not guarantee extended deadlines on assignments that have already been posted/assigned.

*Additional guidance regarding this accommodation can be obtained by reviewing the Faculty/Staff Training Module or by contacting a SAS staff member .

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