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Quick Guide – Do’s and Don’ts

Faculty Should

  1. Add an accessibility statement to the course syllabus.
    The following is a sample that can be used or modified:

    If you are a person with a disability and anticipate needing accommodations of any type in order to participate in this class, you must notify Student Accessibility Services (Union Station, U218, 910-362-7017 , or sas@cfcc.edu , the North Campus, Burgaw, and Surf City by appointment), provide the necessary documentation of the disability, and arrange for the appropriate authorized accommodations. Once these accommodations are approved, please identify yourself so we can implement these accommodations. Discussions regarding your disability and accommodations will be kept confidential.

  2. Ensure that Word documents, PDFs, etc. are fully accessible , regardless of whether a student is in a class who reports a disability.
  3. Find videos to use that are already captioned, caption videos intended for use, or remove videos that are not captioned from the lesson plan.
  4. Adjust the timer to reflect time and a half (unless otherwise noted) in an online class if the student has the extended time accommodation.
  5. Allow a personal attendant, sign language interpreter, or academic aide in the classroom when a student has this accommodation. These support personnel are expected to follow the CFCC code of conduct. If a support person displays questionable behavior, please contact SAS.
  6. Allow service animals in the classroom and limit questions to:
    1. Is this service animal required because of a disability?
    2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform? Any other questions are considered illegal.
  7. Contact SAS if there are concerns about an accommodation.
  8. Reach out to SAS as soon as possible if there are questions involving a student with a disability.
  9. Maintain the same level of academic and behavioral standards for a student with a disability that is maintained for other students.
  10. Access the accessibility resources for online programs and
  11. Contact SAS immediately if it becomes apparent that a physical barrier exists.
  12. Let SAS know if additional topics should be added to this training.


Faculty Should Not

  1. Ask the student about their specific disabilities, instead focus on accommodations.
  2. Deny an approved accommodation without checking with SAS.
  3. Discuss disabilities in front of others.
  4. Ask a student if they have a disability or suggest that they have one.
  5. Ask the student accompanied by a service animal, what their disability is, require documentation, or ask that the service animal demonstrate their ability to perform a task.
  6. Ask a student to defend or explain why they are approved for a particular accommodation.
  7. Try to make accommodations retroactive if the student provides an accommodation form late in the semester.
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