Home / Now At Cape Fear / Three high school graduates secure jobs through CFCC Electrical Apprenticeship program

Three high school graduates secure jobs through CFCC Electrical Apprenticeship program

Hayden Jacobs

Pictured is Hayden Jacobs at his first day on the job at A.B. Blake Electrical.

Wilmington, NC – Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) is excited to announce that Hayden Jacobs, Cesar Reyes, and Stover Montoya, all recent graduates of the Electrical Apprenticeship Career and College Program (CCP) program, have accepted job offers and have begun working at A.B. Blake Electrical.

CFCC’s Electrical Apprenticeship CCP program provides high school students in New Hanover and Pender Counties hands-on experience in the electrical trade. The program combines practical training and education, preparing students for successful careers in the industry. Partially funded by a Golden Leaf grant, the program offers comprehensive resources, including two full-time instructors, materials, and equipment.

Hayden, a graduate of Ashley High School; Cesar, a graduate of Heide Trask High School; and Stover, a graduate of Hoggard High School, all completed the Electrical Apprenticeship Level 1 program and will begin the Electrical Apprenticeship Level 2 program in the fall.

“It has been an awesome experience for me from start to finish,” said Hayden. “The apprenticeship with A.B. Blake Electrical has been great, not just during the schooling part. I’ve learned so much more than just how to be an electrician; it has also taught me life lessons. I recommend this program to everyone, not just future trade workers.”

“We are very excited to welcome the next generation of electricians here at A.B. Blake Electrical,” said Thomas Blake. “The electrical field is in dire need of young men and women to usher in the industry’s future, so to have these individuals who have shown interest by taking the courses is a promising step to ensure that we are in good hands down the road. The students have already proved that they are eager to continue learning and growing as electricians, which is all I can ask for in a young, new employee. As a fourth-generation, family-owned business, I know that seeing this program in the high school would make my Great Grandfather very proud of the world he helped pave in the Wilmington electrical industry.”

“CFCC is proud to offer direct pathways to employment for in-demand careers in the area,” said Jim Morton, CFCC President. “Our Electrical Apprenticeship CCP program is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, and it’s rewarding to see our graduates already making a positive impact in the workforce.”

To further ensure the success of these graduates, Thomas Blake with A.B. Blake Electrical worked with Womack Electric Supply to donate tool kits. These tool kits contain tools specifically selected to meet the demands of the electrical trade.

To learn more about CFCC apprenticeship programs, visit cfcc.edu/apprenticeships .

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