Home / Now At Cape Fear / CFCC to host information session for Simulation and Game Development program

CFCC to host information session for Simulation and Game Development program

Python Wilmington, NC – Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) is hosting an information session for students interested in the new Simulation and Game Development program on Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in the L Building, room 312 (corner of Red Cross and 2nd Street).

This session will introduce the Simulation and Game Development program, covering what students can expect and offering details about the two courses starting in September. A virtual option is also available and can be accessed through https://meet.google.com/kvm-jgkz-nua.

This new program will prepare graduates for employment in the software sector as design directors, environmental artists, game design consultants, game designers, gamemasters, level designers, or world designers. The program includes a comprehensive curriculum that includes courses in:

  • 3D Modeling
  • Quality Assurance
  • Software Engineering
  • C++ Programming
  • Graphic Design

Enrollment for the Simulation and Game Development program is now open. For more information, visit cfcc.edu/simulation-game-development/ .

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