Home / Now At Cape Fear / Cape Fear Community College hosts first Career & Technical Education Educator’s Day

Cape Fear Community College hosts first Career & Technical Education Educator’s Day

CTE Educators Day Wilmington, NC – Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) is excited to announce the successful conclusion of the first Career and Technical Education (CTE) Educator’s Day, an event designed to strengthen collaboration between New Hanover County Schools (NHCS) and CFCC.

Held on April 8, the event marked a step forward in bridging the gap between secondary education and post-secondary career opportunities for students in New Hanover County. The purpose is to create a seamless educational pipeline that meets the needs of local businesses and industries and improves the quality of life for many community members by providing access to affordable workforce training programs.

CTE Educator’s Day brought together teachers and administrators from multiple middle and high schools in New Hanover County and introduced them to CFCC’s vast array of offerings. Discussions included career paths, College and College Promise (CCP)/dual-enrollment options, and post-graduation planning for high school seniors. Around 115 middle and high school teachers took part in the event.

A key highlight of the event was the opportunity for participants to engage directly with program demonstrations, such as touring the veterinary technology lab, experiencing the truck driver training simulator, and exploring the facilities for welding and machining, among others. Additionally, participants received detailed overviews of emerging career fields, including Cyber Crime, further demonstrating CFCC’s commitment to preparing students for high-demand, high-paying careers.

“We recognize the immense value in building strong connections between high school educators and our college faculty, particularly in the career and technical education fields,” said Jim Morton, CFCC President. “By hosting the CTE Educator’s Day, we’ve laid the groundwork for what we hope will become an annual event to continue dialogue and collaboration that will benefit both our students and the community.”

“CTE is not just an educational choice; it’s a strategic investment in the future success of our students,” said Dr. Charles Foust, Superintendent of NHCS. “Thanks to our partnership with CFCC, New Hanover County Schools is able to be a leader in CTE pathways. It’s a win-win for everyone. Students get a unique blend of academic knowledge and hands-on experience, and our community benefits from a more skilled and capable workforce.”

For more information about Cape Fear Community College’s CTE programs, visit
cfcc.edu/division/vocational-trade/ .

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