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Professional Excellence Award Winners

Congratulations to our April winner of the Professional Excellence award: Heather Beal

Heather received training on making online courses more engaging. The training also included how to make videos for asynchronous classes in order to increase engagement. What is Heather bringing to her classes at Cape Fear Community College? “I plan to create videos in my future online courses that will be engaging, as well as continue to offer the optional virtual live sessions.”

Thank you, Heather, for developing your skills and continuing to improve the online experience for our students!

Congratulations to our March winner of the Professional Excellence award: Chip Munna

Chip submitted work he completed for Orienting you Online Learners. The course was designed to assist instructors in preparing their students for online learning. One big takeaway for Chip was “…how to successfully create proper online learning tools for students to better understand expectations of an online course.” Chip intends to share what he learned with colleagues as they continue to improve their online modules. Thank you Chip for your continued effort to support students’ learning experience.

Thank you to all who submitted their professional development activities. For the month of March here are your professional development stats:

Number of hours submitted: 30
Number of nominations: 4

Congratulations to our February winner of the Professional Excellence award: Benita Miller

Benita submitted work she completed for the Bonnie Sanders Burney Child Development Center. Benita took time during her teacher work day to attend the C.L.A.S.S seminar.

This seminar was focused on “enhancing our assessments and helping teachers, children and parents to see growth in the children we serve.” Other teachers from the Child Development Center who attend the seminar learned how to “in a kind, nurturing manner that encourages the exchange of ideas and feelings” used “not just intermittent, but as an ongoing basis.”

Thank you, Benita and the rest of the CDC staff, for continuing to grow in your field! We look forward to hearing from you again.

Thank you to all who submitted their professional development activities. For the month of February here are your professional development stats:

Number of hours submitted: 70
Number of nominations: 12

Congratulations to our inaugural winner of the Professional Excellence Award for January 2022: Trisa Russell

Trisa submitted work she completed in a Quality Matters Workshop. In this QM workshop, Trisa assessed her current level of skills with technologies as related to teaching online. Once her skills were surveyed, Trisa was tasked to enrich her skill set. She chose to explore making videos with Camtasia and uploading them to YouTube. Reflecting on her work Trisa concluded:

“I plan on learning more and getting better at making my online courses ADA compliant. This was an excellent QM workshop.”

Thank you, Trisa, for continuing to grow in your field! We look forward to hearing from you again.

Thank you to all who submitted their professional development activities with us. For the month of January here are your professional development stats:

Number of hours submitted: 66
Number of nominations: 9

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