Home / Now At Cape Fear / CFCC partnership with LINC, Inc. achieves success in reducing recidivism through Pathway Home 2 Program

CFCC partnership with LINC, Inc. achieves success in reducing recidivism through Pathway Home 2 Program

Downtown Wilmington Bridge Wilmington, NC – Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) proudly announces the successful completion of the Pathway Home 2 grant program, an initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Labor in partnership with LINC, Inc. The program is designed to provide critical support and job training for individuals transitioning from prison or jail to reduce recidivism and improve employment outcomes.

Over the course of the program, CFCC enrolled 368 individuals from New Hanover and Pender Counties who were seeking to reintegrate and gain the skills necessary for sustainable employment. The comprehensive support service included career counseling, job placement assistance, vocational training, and access to educational resources, all tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals reentering the workforce after incarceration.

One of the most noticeable outcomes of the Pathway Home 2 program is the current recidivism rate of 9.94%, which is significantly below the program’s goal of 16% and the North Carolina rate of 40%. This accomplishment highlights the effectiveness of the tailored approach adopted by CFCC and LINC, Inc., which focuses on the unique challenges faced by those individuals reentering society from incarceration.

“We are incredibly proud of the achievements of our participants and the dedication of our staff,” said Jim Morton, CFCC President. “This program is all about providing participants with second chances. Recidivism isn’t just about keeping people out of prison; it’s about ensuring they have access to the tools and knowledge they need to succeed.”

Pathway Home 2 program participants have secured employment in various industries, including culinary, hospitality, warehousing, and commercial driving. Program participant LaVance enrolled in CFCC’s Culinary Fundamentals program and is now working at a local restaurant and pursuing his Culinary Arts degree.

“Pathway Home 2 played a pivotal role in helping me get connected to invaluable resources that have helped me find my grounding since being released. Their support and attentiveness towards assisting me on my reentry journey has been a blessing.”

Terrance, who professionally goes by “Tee Trims,” recently passed the North Carolina barber examination and is working with Small Business Center to start his own barber shop.

“My experience with the Pathway Home 2 program has been essential in my journey to excel as a barber. The program helped finance my rent at the recovery house, providing me with a stable living environment and ensuring I had access to critical resources like medical appointments, food, and transportation. The community connection indicated to me through the program has been invaluable, offering me the support and guidance needed to succeed.”

As CFCC concludes its work on the Pathway Home 2 grant, we remain committed to supporting individuals in their reentry journeys. On October 16, 2024, from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m., CFCC will host a Second Chance Hiring Employer seminar designed for local employers to learn about Second Chance hiring, including best practices and resources to encourage companies to champion new beginnings. Interested employers can register at https://forms.gle/BdrQbNHaZq9Tz81t5 .

For more information on the Pathway Home 2 grant, visit cfcc.edu/continuing-education/pathway-home-2-grant/ .

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