Home / Now At Cape Fear / CFCC summer camp registration now open

CFCC summer camp registration now open

Career AcademiesWilmington, NC – Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) is excited to announce that registration for summer camps is now open. CFCC offers a diverse range of camps, allowing our community’s youth to explore career opportunities, hone their athletic abilities, enrich their minds, and get hands-on experience with various programs.

Our summer offerings include:

  • Career Exploration Camps: These camps introduce middle and high school students to various careers. From healthcare to digital arts, these programs help spark an early interest in professional fields through interactive activities and expert guidance.
  • Athletic Camps: Open to students of various skill levels, athletic camps are offered for basketball, volleyball, and soccer. Led by CFCC coaches and players, these camps emphasize skill development, teamwork, and physical fitness.
  • Career Academy: This two-week immersive program gives rising seventh, eighth, and ninth graders from Burgaw, Holly Shelter, West Pender, and Williston Middle Schools a deeper understanding of and hands-on experience in career paths like nursing, dental hygiene, electrical, nail tech, radiography, truck driving, law enforcement, and many more.
  • Upward Bound: Aimed at preparing students for college, Upward Bound provides academic support, mentoring, and enriching cultural experiences. The summer program focuses on developing leadership and teamwork skills through engaging activities in Science, Math, and English. It emphasizes project-based learning and includes fun and educational field trips, labs with experiential learning, cultural excursions, and learning games. The participants also benefit from university campus tours and insights into higher education opportunities.

To learn more and enroll in CFCC’s summer camp programming, visit cfcc.edu/summercamp .

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