Home / Now At Cape Fear / CFCC’s Wilma W. Daniels Gallery to host Dirt: A Small Group Show

CFCC’s Wilma W. Daniels Gallery to host Dirt: A Small Group Show

Dirt Small Group Show Wilmington, NC – The Wilma W. Daniels Gallery at Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) is excited to announce its upcoming exhibition, DIRT: A Small Group Show. The show will showcase the
works of three diverse and innovative artists working as studio assistants at CFCC. This exhibition explores the connection between art and the earth, highlighting unique interpretations of materials, processes, and personal narratives.

The exhibition will run from Monday, June 17, through Friday, July 12, 2024. The Wilma W. Daniels Gallery is located at 200 Hanover Street, Wilmington, NC. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. On Friday, June 28, from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., a reception will be held as a part of the Fourth Friday Gallery Nights.

About the artists:

  • Karli Owensis an analog documentary photographer and collage artist, captivated by the uncanny in everyday life. She turns mundane moments into complex art using toy cameras and alternative development processes. Her work, influenced by cinema, texture, memory, and spirituality, appears in solo and group exhibitions, magazines, and advertisements. DIRTis her first show featuring both her photography and collage art together.
  • Micah Bland, a dedicated potter, showcases the deep bond between creator and material. He prefers self-dug clays and minerals over commercial ones, preserving traditional practices and promoting sustainability. Inspired by potters like Mathew Blakely, Takuro, and Hitomi Shibata and influenced by historical Carolinian folk potters, his work features unique surface variations and authenticity. DIRT highlights his commitment to sustainable artistry, presenting pieces that echo the voice of the earth.
  • Des Paige, originally from Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, explores childhood and generational trauma through multimedia art. Their work, which includes pottery, poetry, and printmaking, is deeply rooted in Indigenous heritage and aims to reconnect emotionally and culturally. Each piece serves as a therapeutic endeavor to express and heal personal histories. Des creates spaces that welcome vulnerability, inviting viewers to engage with challenging subjects compassionately, highlighting the transformative power of art.

To learn more about the Wilma W. Daniels Gallery, visit wilmadanielsgallery.com/ .

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