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Philip Singleton

Philip Singleton

Program Director, AFA Programs Department: Arts & Humanities Humanities/Arts Center (WA) 3004
Wilmington Campus
910-362-7679 psingleton@cfcc.edu
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Philip Singleton, born in Bowling Green, Ohio, received his Bachelor of Music degree from Bowling Green State University in 1982. He continued on to receive his Master of Music degree in Violin Performance from the University of Georgia in 1986. Since that time he has been involved in several aspects of violin instruction and performance including teaching positions at Arkansas State University and the University of Georgia. Upon relocating to Wilmington in 2000, he began teaching orchestra classes for the New Hanover County Schools. During that time he also founded the Tallis Chamber Orchestra (2005), a Wilmington based chamber orchestra that performs predominately without a conductor. In 2008 he joined the faculty of Cape Fear Community College and is currently the music department chair. Mr. Singleton teaches Music Appreciation, Non-Western Music and applied strings. Mr. Singleton also conducts the CFCC Orchestra and CFCC Continuing Education Studio Orchestra.


  • Bachelor of Music (B.M.), Performance, Bowling Green State University
  • Master of Music (M.M.), Performance, University of Georgia
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