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Inza Walston

Inza Walston

Board of Directors, CFCC Foundation
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Inza Walston is a retired Wealth Management Advisor and was with Merrill Lynch her entire 38-year career. She played tennis for 2 years at Peace College and was a finalist in the National Junior College Tennis Championships and went on to play Division One tennis for NCSU.

She earned a degree in Economic Theory and Business management. Inza returned to Wilson, her home town and began her career with Merrill. She was involved with The United Way Board, served as a Trustee for Greenfield School and was a Foundation Board Member for Wilson Medical Center.

Inza moved to Wilmington in 2004 and became involved with The Lenny Simpson Education and Tennis Foundation “One Love “. It served over 600 indigent children a week, teaching them skills on and off the tennis court. She also enjoys delivering Meals on Wheels for the Senior Center. “I love Wilmington and her people and truly want to give back to a community that has given me so much.”

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