Home / Foundation / Campus Fund Drive
Your gift can mean the difference in a student’s life, a program’s success, and so much more.

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2020 Giving Summary

Here’s where you gave in 2020.

Want to directly support students?

100% of donations to scholarships or emergency support will assist students.

Want to do something special in your program or department?

Contribute directly to your program, and 100% of those funds will be available for any program or department needs (per your Program Director or Department Head).

Want to support all Foundation efforts to make CFCC a better place to learn and work?

Contribute to the CFCC Fund, and we will provide funds wherever they are needed most at the college (including scholarships, Mini Grants, programmatic needs, emergency support, and more).

Still not sure where to chip in?

Call Logan Thompson at 910-362-7866 to learn about underfunded areas at CFCC that could really use your help!

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