Home / Foundation / Impact Awards
Let us invest in you.

Foundation Impact Awards provide funding for impactful faculty/staff initiatives that create a positive impact on CFCC and our students. This support provides financial resources for projects that are otherwise unfunded by the State or other college budgets.

Applications are evaluated and awarded by a committee of Program Directors, Deans, Foundation Staff, and Board members. Submission of an eligible Impact Award proposal does not guarantee an award, and awards are made on a quarterly basis.

  • Proposal must positively impact the college and its students, enrich the educational experience of CFCC’s students, and/or better equip faculty and staff to fulfill their role of serving students at the college.
  • Requests will only be considered if the project is not covered by State or other College funding.
  • Applicants must be full-time employees.
  • Any capital or spatial improvements/changes require prior approval by the Capital Projects & Facilities Department.
  • Impact Awards are generally awarded in the $50-$1,000 range.

  • Highlight, in-depth, the impact of the project on the College and/or its students.
  • The higher number of students and/or instructors shown to be impacted by the project, the greater likelihood of receiving an award.
  • The application budget should be as specific as possible – including tax and shipping costs, where applicable.

  • Instructor or staff travel requests are eligible; however, travel for the purposes of maintaining program accreditation may not be considered.
  • Student travel expenses related to competitions, workshops, conferences, and other educational enrichment activities are eligible.
  • Proposals submitted by instructors and/or staff to support workshops and conferences that connect to course curricula will be considered; personal coursework is not eligible.

Please direct your questions regarding Impact Awards to foundation@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7207 .

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