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School Leave

Policy Statement

At Cape Fear Community College, parent involvement is an essential component of school success and positive student outcomes.


Parent involvement is an essential component of school success and positive student outcomes. Therefore, Cape Fear Community College will grant four hours per year for school leave to any faculty or staff member who is a parent, guardian, or person standing in loco parentis of a school aged child so that the employee may attend or otherwise be involved at that child’s school.

Any leave under this section is subject to the following conditions:

• The school leave shall be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time between Supervisor and employee.

• The employee will be required to provide the supervisor with a written request for
the leave, preferably one week prior, and at least 48 hours in advance of the time desired for the leave.

• The employee will be required to provide the supervisor with a written verification from the child’s school that they attended and were involved at that school during the time of the leave. For the purpose of this section, “school” means any (i) public school, (ii) private church school, church of religious charter, or nonpublic school described in Parts 1 and 2 of Article 39 of Chapter 115C of the General Statutes that regularly provides a course of grade school instruction, (iii) preschool, and (iv) child care facility as defined in G.S. 110-86(3). CFCC will not discharge, demote, or otherwise take an adverse employment action against an employee who requests or takes leave under this section.

Nothing in this section shall require CFCC to pay an employee for leave taken under this section. Employees who are authorized to take school leave may apply vacation leave toward their school leave absence to the extent permitted upon the College’s policy on vacation leave. Faculty members who are authorized to take school leave may apply personal leave toward their school leave absence to the extent permitted under the College’s policy.

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