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Disciplinary Process

Supervisors have an obligation to not only review and encourage satisfactory performance and professional conduct of employees they supervise, but also to identify, address, and resolve employee misconduct and performance related issues as they are identified. Supervisors are required to consult with Human Resources for guidance on the disciplinary process prior to initiating and/or administering a disciplinary action, with the exception of counseling sessions or verbal warnings. Supervisors who are unable to render an impartial decision in connection with the disciplinary action process are required to excuse themselves from decision-making.

Employees will be notified in writing of the decision regarding disciplinary action, generally within ten (10) work days of the pre-disciplinary conference or when the employee was first notified of the disciplinary action.

Documentation of disciplinary actions and outcomes are placed in the employee’s personnel file. Although personnel files of community college employees are not generally subject to inspection under Chapter 132 of the North Carolina Statutes, certain personnel records (including dates and types of suspension or separation, for disciplinary reasons) are open to inspection under Chapter 115-D, Article 2A of the North Carolina General Statutes.

Revision History:
November, 2023

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