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Disciplinary and Grievance Policies and Procedures Disciplinary Actions

Policy Statement

The following guidance about prohibited conduct is intended to promote good understanding by
College employees about conduct expectations and protection of the rights of all employees.


The purpose of this Discipline, Non-Reappointment, and Grievance Procedure is to help ensure that where appropriate, contractual employees will be afforded adequate notice and an opportunity to respond to any charges that may result in disciplinary action, to inform contractual employees of the College’s procedures relating to non-reappointment, and to help assure employees that their grievances, including those relating to disciplinary action for which a pre-disciplinary conference took place (generally, suspension without pay, demotion, or dismissal,) will be considered fairly, rapidly, and without reprisal.

General Definitions

1. A fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30 of the following calendar year.

2. A contractual employee is any regular full-time, or temporary d full time College employee who has been issued an annual contract with the College to work for all
or any portion of a fiscal year.

3. A temporary part-time employee without benefits is anyone who has been issued a
temporary part-time instructional or non-instructional contract for one semester or 90 days. For the purposes of this policy, temporary part-time employees are employed AT WILL and without benefits. This employment category is not considered a contractual employee and the following discipline procedure does not apply.

4. An annual contract period is the period during a fiscal year for which a contractual employee has been hired to work.

5. Disciplinary action includes an oral warning, a written warning, disciplinary probation, suspension with or without pay, demotion, and dismissal.

6. Dismissal is the termination of a contractual employee’s employment by the College during a contract period.

7. Non-reappointment is the administrative decision not to rehire a contractual employee at the conclusion of a contract period.

8. A grievance is any matter of concern or dissatisfaction arising from a work situation or the working conditions of an employee, including any disciplinary action taken against the employee, subject to the control of the College.

9. A day is a normal workday during which the administration of the College is open for business, unless otherwise defined.

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