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Employee Changes


Any change in an employee’s status must be reported promptly to Human Resources. Senior level administrators are responsible for reporting changes. Employee status changes are initiated through the Human Resources Employee Status Change Form and routed for all appropriate approvals prior to processing.

The President reserves the right to make changes in an employee’s job status through reorganization or reassignment. All other promotions or transfers of employees will be considered by the President upon request by the appropriate supervisory personnel.

The first 90-days for staff members in a new position and the first semester for faculty in a new position will constitute a probationary period during which employment performance will be appraised. A recommendation shall be made by an employee’s supervisor prior to the conclusion of the probationary period as to either continued employment, an extension of the probationary period, or separation from employment. Recommendations for separation and/or continuation of probationary period must be approved by the President. Employees shall be notified of the decision by the conclusion of the probationary period.

Employees have the responsibility of notifying Human Resources or the Business Office, as appropriate, any time personal information changes which would affect their retirement, insurance, beneficiaries or dependents, or other important matters. Changes, including address and telephone, should be reported as soon as they occur to avoid any problems in mailing official communications and correcting any crediting and coverage for insurance, retirement, and similar purposes. Phone numbers are particularly important in case of an emergency.

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