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Political Activities of Employees

Policy Statement

Employees of Cape Fear Community College may become a candidate for a public office and be elected or appointed to a public office.


Employees of Cape Fear Community College may become a candidate for a public office and be elected or appointed to a public office provided the following conditions are met:

1. An employee who wishes to run for public office must send a written notice to the President who in turn will notify the Board of Trustees. The notice must stipulate that the employee will not campaign or engage in any political activities during his/her regular work hours or involve the College in political activities.

2. An employee who is elected to a part-time public office will send a written notice to the President certifying that the office will not interfere with his/her carrying out assigned College duties and that leave will not be requested. The President will inform the Board of Trustees.

3. An employee who is elected or appointed to a full-time public office or to the General Assembly will be required to take a leave of absence without pay upon assuming that office. The employee must request leave through a written notice to the President who will take the request to the Board of Trustees. The length of the leave of absence will be determined by the Board.

4. Employees of less than three years longevity with CFCC will not be granted a leave of absence to take a full-time elected or appointed public office.

5. An employee who becomes a candidate for public office is prohibited from soliciting support during regular work hours. The employee in question is prohibited from soliciting support on College property unless authorization to do so is granted by the Board of Trustees. To request authorization, a written request must be sent to the Board of Trustees through the President.

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