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Professional Development

Policy Statement

Cape Fear Community College fosters educational and service excellence through continuous improvement of the College’s most valuable resource, its employees. All employees will participate in professional development annually as identified within the performance review and evaluation


The rapid rate of change makes it essential for all faculty and staff members to devote part of their time to staying current in their field of expertise. Employees are expected to develop and maintain the administrative skills, such as computer literacy, necessary for successful job performance. Faculty members are expected to further their knowledge within their specialty and to continuously refine their instructional skills.

The College offers many opportunities to help employees in their growth and development. These include conferences, seminars, visits to industry, and the opportunity to take classes at little or no cost. The College also provides facilities such as the Learning Resource Center (LRC), the Technology Training Center (TTC), and the Learning Lab which offer faculty and staff a variety of training opportunities.

The College expects employees to use these and other resources to ensure currency and continued growth in their chosen field. It is the responsibility of each employee to provide to his or her supervisors and to Human Resources, records of growth and development activities such as transcripts and certificates of attendance or completion. Professional growth and development will be considered in faculty and staff annual performance evaluations.

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