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Selection Process


Whether a vacancy is being filled internally or externally, the hiring supervisor or search committee charged with conducting the search will proceed with the selection process. This will include a review of applicants’ qualifications, appropriate personal interviews and, as needed, consultation with other College employees. Reference checks are required for all final candidates for a position. Reference checks are completed by Human Resources.

Upon completion of their search and interview of candidates, the search committee will score candidates and submit a hiring proposal for the committee’s selected candidate through the applicant tracking system. Proposed candidates who were not the highest scoring must be accompanied by a rationale in the hiring proposal. Hiring proposals follow a standard approval workflow with recommended salary input and forwarded by Human Resources. The President has the final approval authority on hiring proposals and may approve the selection of a recommended candidate, or if not approved, the position may be re-advertised or the search canceled.

The findings of the committee should be noted by the search chair on the hiring proposal via the online applicant tracking system. In the case of senior level administrators filling positions that report directly to the President, the President’s nomination will be forwarded to the Board of Trustees for final approval. After approval by the President or Board of Trustees, the applicant selected will be notified of his/her selection by Human Resources. The appointment will be confirmed by an official offer letter or employee status change form from Human Resources.

If a candidate who is selected to fill a vacancy declines the offer, the position may be offered to another qualified applicant who had applied within the accepted time frame. If a search is canceled for any reason, any attempt to fill the vacancy at a later date will follow the same procedures as for a new position.

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