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Vacation Leave

Policy Statement

Cape Fear Community College employees earn annual leave based on their years of aggregate State of North Carolina service in accordance with North Carolina Office of State Human Resources policy.

Purpose and Uses

The primary purpose of paid vacation is to allow and encourage employees to renew their physical and mental capabilities and to remain a full productive employee. Employees are encouraged to request leave during each year in order to achieve this purpose. Vacation leave requests must be submitted to the supervisor for approval in advance of taking vacation leave. Vacation leave requests should be submitted to the supervisor in a timely manner to ensure adequate time for review of the request and necessary planning for work to be completed during the period of employee’s vacation leave. The approval of vacation leave requests are at the discretion of the supervisor, division head, or the President.

Vacation leave may also be requested for other periods of absence for personal reasons, for absences due to adverse weather conditions when the school is not closed, and for personal illness or illnesses in the employee’s immediate family in lieu of sick leave.

Time lost for late reporting may be charged to the vacation leave account. Deductions may be made from a non-exempt employee’s pay where excessive tardiness or absenteeism occurs. Any time not covered by paid leave will require an employee to provide a written explanation and request for leave without pay to the President for approval.

Scheduling Leave

Vacation leave shall be taken only upon authorization by the employee’s supervisor, division head, or the President. The College will try to consider employees’ preferences and accommodate their schedules, bearing in mind both individual and College needs.

Leave Credits

Vacation leave credits are provided under the terms and conditions of this policy for a regular full- time and temporary full-time employee who is in pay status for one-half or more of the regularly scheduled workdays and holidays in a pay period. The rate is based on the length of total eligible state service.

Total Years of State Service – Hours Granted Each Month – Days Granted Each Year
Less than 5 – 9.34 – 14
5 but less than 10 – 11.34 – 17
10 but less than 15 – 13.34 – 20
15 but less than 20 – 15.34 – 23
20 years or more – 17.34 – 26

Accounting for Creditable Service

The College is responsible for informing each employee of the types of prior service, which are eligible to be counted as total State service. If the employee fails to produce evidence of prior service at the time of employment and later produces such evidence, it creates a cumbersome, time-consuming process to adjust leave records. When this occurs, credit will be allowed for the service and the earnings rate will be adjusted; however, retroactive adjustments will only be allowed for the previous twelve months preceding employment at CFCC. Adjustments will not be decreased when the College fails to properly determine prior service once an employee has provided appropriate documentation.

Maximum Accumulation

Leave may be accumulated without any applicable maximum until December 31 of each calendar year. On December 31 of each calendar year, any employee with more than 240 hours of accumulated leave shall have the excess accumulation converted to sick leave so that only 240 hours are carried forward to January 1 of the next calendar year. Excess annual leave cannot be converted to sick leave for individuals who leave the College at any time other than at the close of the leave year.


For unpaid leave (leave without pay) and/or leave advancement, such requests must be approved by the President prior to the leave occurring. All requests for unpaid leave (leave without pay) and/or leave advancement must be submitted via the College’s electronic form and signature system.

Upon request, the President may advance annual leave not to exceed the amount the employee would earn during the remainder of the employee’s current contract. If an employee requires time away from work that is not covered by available vacation leave or other paid leave, the unpaid leave taken will be reconciled and the employee’s paycheck reduced accordingly on a pro rata basis or as otherwise required under the Fair Labor Standards Act. Should an employee leave the College’s employment for any reason, vacation leave will be prorated on a monthly basis and any vacation leave used in excess of what any employee actually has earned will be deducted from his or her final paycheck. Vacation leave will be deducted in full hour units, i.e., a full hour for any part of any hour overdrawn.

Leave Charges

As a rule, leave should be used and charged in increments of one or more hours. However, leave to be paid as terminal leave and leave to be exhausted before disability retirement or leave without pay shall be in units of one hour. See section 5.42 and 5.43 regarding leave advancement and/or leave without the pay request process.

Leave Transferable

Unused leave may be transferred when an employee transfers to another eligible state agency if accepted by that employing agency. The College does not accept annual leave from any other jurisdiction.
The employee leaving College service will be paid in a lump sum for accumulated leave not to exceed 240 hours. If the receiving eligible state agency accepts a part of the leave, the combination of the amount transferred and paid shall not exceed 240 hours.

Options During Leave Without Pay

An employee going on leave without pay may exhaust vacation leave or may retain part or all accumulated leave until the employee returns, the only exceptions being:

1. If an employee has accumulated vacation leave, all leave must be exhausted before going on leave without pay for vacation purposes; or,

2. If an employee requests leave for other personal reasons for a period not to exceed 10 workdays, vacation leave must be used if available; however, if the leave is for a period longer than 10 workdays, the employee may choose to use vacation leave or retain it for future use. Options for use of vacation leave under the Workers’ Compensation Policy, Family and Medical Leave Policy, and Military Leave Policy are included in these respective policies. If leave without pay extends through December 31 of a calendar year, any leave accumulation above 240 hours (prorated for part-time employees) shall be converted to sick leave.

When on paid vacation an employee continues to accumulate leave, is eligible to take sick leave, is entitled to holidays and is eligible for salary increases during that period.


Lump sum payment for vacation leave is made only at the time of separation. An employee shall be paid in a lump sum for accumulated vacation leave not to exceed a maximum of 240 hours when separated from CFCC service due to resignation, dismissal, non-reappointment, reduction in force, or death. An employee is not entitled to any scheduled holiday occurring after the last day of work, except when the last day of the month is a holiday and the employee is in pay status through the last available workday. The employee ceases to accumulate leave and ceases to be entitled to take sick leave. The last day of work is the date of separation.

Employees separating from the College due to service retirement or early retirement may elect to exhaust vacation leave after the last day of work but prior to the effective day of retirement. All benefits accrue while leave is being exhausted. If vacation leave is exhausted, the last day of leave is the date of separation; and any unused leave not exhausted must be paid in a lump sum not to exceed 240 hours. If vacation leave is not utilized, the last day of work is the date of separation

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