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Google Digital Marketing & E-Commerce Certification

Get Certified in Digital Marketing & E-commerce!

Digital marketing involves using email, social media, search engines, display advertising, and other online channels to attract customers, encourage them to make purchases, and keep them coming back. E-commerce involves using online platforms to sell products and services, which includes designing online stores, crafting product listings, conducting market research, and analyzing store performance.


Using Grow with Google curriculum and with support from Cape Fear Community College’s instructor, you will gain the skills needed to advance your career or for an entry level job in digital marketing or e-commerce.

The course is designed to provide instruction on popular digital marketing and E-Commerce tools and platforms. Coursework includes:

  • Building a portfolio with projects with customer personals and social media calendars to show potential employers.
  • Instruction on relevant platforms such as, Canva, Constant Contact, Hootsuite, HubSpot, Mailchimp, Shopify, X, Google Ads and Google Analytics
  • Search and Register for Upcoming Courses

    Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce Professional Certificate is offered fully online over 13 weeks, giving you the flexibility to complete your assignments when you are available. Students will utilize Canvas and Coursera to complete assignments.

    Students can expect to spend between 10 – 15 hours per week working on assignments, interacting with their instructor, and responding to peers.


    Registration for this professional certificate course is $185. There are no additional fees.

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