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Phlebotomy Student Learning Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduation Rates1
Spring-Fall Total Enrolled Students/Total Graduated Students Yearly Attrition Rate CFCC Graduation Rate
2014 22/16 6/22=27% 73%
2015 18/18 0/18=0% 100%
2016 18/18 0/18=0% 100%
2017 12/11 1/12=8% 92%
2018 13/12 1/13=.08% 98%
2019 18/16 2/18=11% 89%
2020 28/27 1/29=.03% 99%
2021 32/31 1/32=.03% 97%
2022 30/27 3/30=.01% 90%
2023 27/26 1/27=1% 99%
1In order to be in compliance with NAACLS Benchmark for Graduation Rates, rates are calculated based upon the number of students who are enrolled in the clinical portion of CFCC’s Phlebotomy program. CFCC has determined that the entry point for clinical rotations is the 2nd half of its semester.

Graduate Job Placement Rates1
Class of: CFCC Placement Rates
2014 84%
2015 100%
2016 100%
2017 100%
2018 100%
2019 100%
2020 70%
2021 81%
2022 90%
2023 83%

1Employment in a field of study or a closely related field (those who seek employment) or continuation of education within one year of graduation.

ASCP BOC National Certification Pass Rates1
CFCC Avg Score2 National Avg Score CFCC Pass Rate National Pass Rate
2014 518 520 86% 85%
2015 556 537 100% 88%
2016 520 532 85% 86%
2017 564 559 91% 89%
2018 503 534 88% 90%
2019 514 550 100% 90%
2020 554 548 91% 89%
2021 485 550 72% 90%
2022 552 562 100% 91%
2023 462 557 86% 92%

1Certification pass rates of those taking the ASCP examination for the first time within the first year after graduation from CFCC. 2Average Mean Score

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