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Refund of Tuition

A 100 percent tuition refund will be made if the pre-registered curriculum student officially drops any/all classes prior to the first day of the College’s academic session/semester. Students are also eligible for a 100 percent tuition refund if the College cancels the class. Drops within the 75% refund period must be processed online through WebAdvisor/Self Service.

A 75 percent refund will be made if the student officially drops a class(es) during the period starting from the first day and ending on the 10 percent day of the course.


A 100 percent refund shall be made if the student officially drops from the class prior to the first class meeting. Students are also eligible for a 100 percent tuition refund if the College cancels the class.

A 75 percent refund shall be made if the student officially drops from the class prior to or on the 10 percent point of the class.

Students who have not attended at least once by the 10 percent date of the class will be dropped by the instructor as a “No Show” and not allowed to continue with the course.


Tuition payment made with a check returned by the bank will be considered nonpayment of tuition. Students will lose their classes or will not be able to attend classes until full restitution is made. Absences incurred due to nonpayment of fees will be counted in accordance with the College’s attendance policy.

A returned check processing fee will be charged in the amount of $35.00 for a paper check or e-check when payment is refused by the bank for any reason.

What do I do if I haven’t received my refund?

If it is a paper check and was issued more than 2 weeks ago and you still have not received it in the mail you will need to contact the business office. We will have you fill out an affidavit form and issue a new check for you which can take 2-3 weeks to process. During this time you should check that we have your correct address on file and if needed you can update your address via the Change of Student Information form in SoftDocs (Online Forms) . You can contact us at businessoffice@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7059 to request an affidavit form. If your check has been returned to us in the mail we will contact you to come pick it up.

If it was direct deposit and you have not received your refund within 3 business days of the deposit date noted in the email you received from us regarding your refund, you may need to update your banking information in self-service and respond to that email or email echecks@cfcc.edu to let us know you have updated your account information. Once the bank returns the funds to us which can take an additional 3 business days, we will resend the funds to the corrected bank account. We will also contact you when the bank returns the funds to us if we have not heard from you or you have not updated your bank account yet.

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