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How to Withdraw from a Class

Prior to withdrawing from a class, you need to consider how a withdrawal may impact items such as financial aid and/or veteran’s benefits. If you are a high school student, you need to consider how this could impact your progress towards high school graduation.

  • If you are a financial aid or veteran’s benefit recipient, you are strongly encouraged to first speak with your financial aid coordinator/representative to discuss how your financial aid or veteran’s benefits could be affected by a withdrawal. You are also strongly encouraged to speak with your advisor prior to withdrawal to see how it may impact program completion.
    If you are receiving federal or state financial aid (a Pell grant or student loan) or veteran’s benefits (including housing), withdrawing from a class may impact your eligibility to receive financial aid now or in the future. In some cases, you may be required to pay back some or all of the money awarded.
  • If you are a high school student (CCP/Early College/SeaTech), please discuss this with your high school counselor or early college liaison as they must approve your withdrawal.
  • If you are a student athlete at CFCC, please discuss this with the Athletic Department as this could impact athletic eligibility.

Initiate the withdrawal by completing the Withdrawal Form .


The completed withdrawal could take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. Please be sure to check your schedule to ensure it is processed. Accessing the Withdrawal Form will show you the progress of your request. If your withdrawal is still pending and the class is still active on your schedule 2 weeks after you submitted, please email registrar@cfcc.edu.


General withdrawal dates:

(NOTE: Not all courses fall into these dates. See Non-Standard Course Listing for courses that fall outside of these standard dates below)

Term First Date to Withdraw Last Date to Withdraw
Fall 2024 Full Term August 29, 2024 November 11, 2024
Fall 2024 1st Mini Term August 23, 2024 September 30, 2024
Fall 2024 12-Week Term September 24, 2024 November 18, 2024
Fall 2024 2nd Mini Term October 21, 2024 November 25, 2024
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