Story Force VI

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Behind A Smile

Corey Pomeroy, United States Army, United States Marine Corps I’m not depressed. I can still smile at pretty things, And…

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The Dependant

John Metzger, Air Force Family Member As a boy, I thought a lot about war. It was a romantic type…

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Art by Kevin M. Leach

Kevin M. Leach was a Sergeant in the United States Army, 82nd Airborne. He was a Battlefield Communication Team Chief…

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It’s the Simple Things

Harrison Foust, United States Marine Corps The time I was in Djibouti, Africa, it was just my fellow Marines and…

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That’s My Gun

Greg Givens, United States Marine Corps That’s my gun On permanent display my company, A co 2-504 PIR captured it…

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Carpets And Drapes

Amanda Flick, United States Army I took a deep breath as I entered the coffee shop. The line was short;…

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