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Student Clubs and Organizations

Here at Cape Fear Community College, we believe that the more involved you are in extracurricular activities, the more successful you will be. CFCC student clubs and organizations help to teach leadership skills, emotional maturity, teamwork, and more. There is a diverse range of groups to choose from, from the Feminist Alliance to the Computer Technology Club. Joining a student club is highly encouraged!

Active Clubs:

The Cape Fear Community College Anthropology Club is a group of like-minded individuals who all share an interest in the study of the human experience. All students with an interest in archeology, linguistics, modern and archaic cultures, and the study of human interaction are welcome to attend. The club takes field trips to local sites of historical importance and undertakes projects to enlighten the community on matters of historical and cultural significance.

For more information, contact Club Advisor Rachel B.W. Satzman, MA. at rsatzman@cfcc.edu or at 910-362-7641 .

This club is only open to students once they are accepted to the ADN program. Pre-nursing students should consider CFANS Cape Fear Association of Nursing Students (further down this list).
For more information, contact Brenda Holland, the club advisor, at bholland@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7085 .
Beats Lab is a space for students who want to learn how to produce music, to learn from each other, and to collaborate with each other.

For more information, contact Adam White, the club advisor, at acwhite108@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7114 .

The CFCC Book Club invites students to come together informally to read and share ideas about a variety of intriguing and important literary works of their choice. CFCC Book Club meets in S302, CFCC’s English’s Department’s creative writing room, on Tuesdays from 11am until noon. All currently enrolled CFCC students are welcome to join!

Advisor: Danielle Lanigan: dlanigan@cfcc.edu

Cape Fear Community College’s Association of Nursing Students includes ADN, RIBN, LPN-RN, and Pre-Nursing students. Our goals are to prepare nursing students and graduates for problems affecting nursing and community affairs, promote interest in professional nursing organizations, and cooperate with professional organizations in the recruitment of nursing students.

For more information, contact Erin Ludlum at eescarsega@cfcc.edu , Colleen Bastiani at cmbastiani812@cfcc.edu , or Ann Gallagher at asgallagher566@cfcc.edu .

The goal of the Creative Arts Club is to promote creative arts on campus through activities that bring students together. Our purpose is to enhance the learning activities among current art majors while giving students who are not art majors a way to explore their creative sides and participate in the school’s artistic community. The activities of the club include art demonstrations/workshops, student art sales, collaborative work, service learning, and teaching.

For more information, contact Club Advisor Sharon Wozniak-Spencer at sawozniakspence928@cfcc.edu .

The Criminal Justice Club offers students—majors and enthusiasts alike—opportunities to explore the field through events, field trips, guest speakers, and networking. Centered on service, the club highlights the profession’s commitment to serving others and emphasizes its role across various criminal justice careers.

Advisor: Christopher Guyant, csguyant824@cfcc.edu

Feminist Alliance is a group dedicated to achieving equality. It provides a safe space for feminists to gather and discuss the problems of, and solutions for, oppression, inequality, and social injustice in our society. We strive to educate the community of the importance of equality for everyone by hosting forums, screenings, and other events on and off campus on contemporary issues.

For more info, check out our Google Site .

If you have questions, contact the club advisor, Yuna Shin, at yshin@cfcc.edu

The CFCC Filmmaker’s club is a space for all creators to work together on videos and projects that represent the community college. All creatives are welcome and accepted at any level of experience.

The Graphic Design Club is a space for creative students passionate about visual communication and design. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced designer, this club offers opportunities to collaborate and learn.

If you have questions, contact the club advisor, Cable Hardin, at rchardin780@cfcc.edu

The Marine Technology Club is a student-run organization dedicated to enhancing and stimulating the learning environment for the Marine Technology Program at Cape Fear Community College. Club activities equip students with the knowledge, values, and skills to make positive impacts in the global maritime community. The club focuses on marine environmental conservation, education, and student-led contributions to the maritime industry.

Please join us to learn more about the Marine Technology program!

For more information, contact Club Advisor Jacqui Degan at jdegan@cfcc.edu , at 910-362-7405 , or by visiting the club’s website .

The Mathematics Club gives those students with an interest in mathematics a source outside the classroom to explore and support further exploration. Members participate in a community service project each year. Additionally, the club helps prepare students for the NCMATYC student math league exam.

For more information, please contact Club Advisor Ashley Harrell at 910-362-7306 or arharrell770@cfcc.edu .

For more information, contact the club advisor, Ashley Simpson, at algoode282@cfcc.edu or 910-362-3044 .
NAMI on campus at CFCC is dedicated to building better lives for those who live with mental health conditions. Through a commitment to raising awareness, club members combat the stigma that surrounds these conditions by breaking the silence, shame, secrecy, myths, and ignorance that create barriers to seeking help.

For more information, contact Club Advisor Kelly Stanley at 910-362-7125 or kstanley@cfcc.edu .

The Nixon Leaders Center focuses on increasing the graduation, retention, and transferring of underrepresented populations of students enrolled at CFCC.

Donterio Perkins, Diversity Success – Coordinator
Union Station 152

The Political Science Club provides political science students with new opportunities to explore the world of politics as a possible profession. The club acts as a debate society where members will be permitted to discuss issues of politics and political science in greater detail and with individuals who may possess differing opinions and ideologies. Club members seek to interact with the wider community by engaging in charitable and philanthropic activities to understand better the real-world impact that political decisions may have on society at large.

For more information, please contact Club Advisor Nelson G. Beaulieu at 910-362-7811 or ngbeaulieu047@cfcc.edu .

Alpha Chi Sigma is the CFCC chapter of Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society for the two-year college. Its purpose is to honor those students who have worked hard in their selected field of study with an invitation to take advantage of all the benefits of membership. Phi Theta Kappa encourages the development of members in the Hallmark areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Fellowship by service projects and scholarship activities that focus on that year’s Honors Topic of study. These activities and programs give members the opportunity to affect change, not only in their school and community but on the regional and international levels as well!

Visit the Alpha Chi Sigma Webpage

The purpose of the Philosophy Club is to cultivate respect and passion for the extraordinary diversity and significance that exists within human experience and the intellectual tradition. Through exposure to ideas familiar and foreign, club members are encouraged to seek understanding through collective inquiry.

For more information, contact Club Advisor Dr. Eric Brandon at 910-362-7346 or eebrandon37@cfcc.edu .

Portals is Cape Fear Community College’s annual literary and arts magazine. For over 15 years, the CFCC English department–with the support of CFCC administration, the CFCC Foundation, CFCC faculty and staff, and student editors–has published an annual print arts magazine. The magazine features works in short fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and art by CFCC students, faculty, and staff. Read more about submitting your writing and artwork here .

For more information, please contact blnicholas024@cfcc.edu or portalsmag@gmail.com .

PRIDE Club is a welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ students and their allies. The club’s mission is to provide a safe and supportive network for students who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.

For more information, contact the club advisor, Hannah Jones at cfcc.pride@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7756

The Esports Club is open to students of all skill levels across all gaming platforms that enjoy playing and/or competing in video games.

For more information, contact Allen Cameron at ajcameron583@cfcc.edu or visit the club website .

The Sea Devils Rugby Club provides a pathway for all CFCC students into the world of rugby. The club would provide a way for people to become engaged in a new sport, that provides a wealth of opportunity for positive social experience, as well as an excellent way to work on personal fitness in a team setting.

For more information, contact the club advisor, John Metzger, at jmetzger@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7276 .

This club is for like-minded, crafty sewers who want to be part of a larger makers community. Our meeting room is housed with sewing machines, test fabrics, pattern paper, and other materials used to craft a vision into reality. Whether you are interested in learning the basics of sewing machine operation and project construction, have a penchant for cosplay, crave to sew from a pattern and maybe even make your own, or desire to upcycle old into new, this club welcomes your creative input and crafty presence.

For information, please contact faculty advisor and ConEd sewing instructor Cheryl Saba at cmsaba65@cfcc.edu

The SGD Club is a space where students can come together to create awesome games and animations. Weekly meetings include tutorials, collaborative projects, game tests, and animation. The goal will be to combine all our skills to create the best work possible!

Meetings are on Tuesdays at 5 pm in the Library building (L-312). From masters to complete beginners, all are welcome!

Advisor: Paul Markert at pmarkert@cfcc.edu

National Association of Veterinary Technicians (NAVTA)/ Student Chapter

For information, contact the club advisor, April Lehmann at 910-362-7161 or alehmann@cfcc.edu .

Advisor: Heather Beal
Email: hnbeal508@cfcc.edu
For information, contact Club Advisor Dr. Chapman at 910-362-7645 or hchapman@cfcc.edu .
The Student Government Association is an active organization; it is the voice of the student body and has paved the way for open lines of communication between students and administration. Students receive practical experience in responsible citizenship through participation in a program of self-government.

Taylor Todd-Williams
Student Life Coordinator
Head Women’s Basketball Coach

The Student Occupational Therapy Association Club (SOTA) is open to students in the Occupational Therapy Assistant Program at CFCC. The primary mission of the club is to raise awareness of the profession of OT both within the college and the community. Members are dedicated to the support of local and nationally based charitable organizations. The club and associated activities are designed and managed by student leaders who are elected annually by their peers.

For more information, contact Club Advisor Jennifer Renshaw at 910-362-7096 or jrenshaw@cfcc.edu .

For information, contact Club Advisor Jason Bocchino at 910-362-7106 or jbocchino@cfcc.edu .
Relax with your fellow students and engage in the play of card, board, or dice games. If it plays on a table, it has a spot in the Tabletop Club!

Join our discord to stay up-to-date on club meetings.

For additional information, please contact Taliesin Neumayer at tjneumayer311@cfcc.edu .

The Women in Music Association is focused on highlighting women’s success in music and creating and nurturing a space to discuss issues in feminism in a male-dominated industry. The Women in Music Association seeks to build a culture where women can empower one another through music, striving to make an impact in the CFCC and Wilmington community.

For more information, contact the club advisor Mary Gheen at magheen024@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7450 .

Currently Inactive Clubs:

Bethel Family Campus (BFC) offers new or experienced walkers of the faith a spiritual boost to get through their school experience. BFC allows students the opportunity to meet and network with spiritual peers at CFCC and throughout the greater Wilmington area.

For more information, contact the club advisor, Donterio Perkins at drperkins@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7604 .

The Cape Fear Community College Business Technologies Club (BTC) is a group of like-minded individuals that share an interest in the study and application of business-related knowledge, activities, and opportunities. The BTC hosts various guest speakers, takes field trips to local businesses, and practices community service for local charities and non-profits. In addition, members become highly networked, which may lead to employment.

For more information, contact a faculty advisor .

The CISL-Alliance coordinates and communicates volunteer opportunities for Service-Learning. This program engages students and faculty in best practices for effective community partnerships through special projects, events, and educational activities. Each year, over 5,000 Service-Learning hours are recorded, and more than 500 Cape Fear Community College students are involved in the program.

Dancing Sea Devils provides students with a space to learn how to dance, perform, and grow from the experience. The club introduces students to dance and allows experienced dancers to showcase their skills.
For more information, contact the club advisor, Susan Cutler at scutler@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7416 .
For more information, contact the club advisor, Melissa Peterson at mrpeterson10@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7615 .
The Flying Pig Club connects with others in their community and school, encouraging and fostering the ideal of service as a basis of enterprise. Its members are dedicated people who share a passion for education and developing leadership skills through community service. The Flying Pig Club also provides qualified students with money for tuition.

For more information, contact the club advisor, Jaime Chadwick at jchadwick@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7214[/email].

Health and Fitness Science
The HFS club’s purpose is to create a bond between students who are in or considering the exercise and fitness industry field. The Health and Fitness Science club provides students a place to gain information about the field, to learn how to prepare for future classes and careers, to hear from speakers within the field, and to meet people with similar goals.

For more information, contact Ashley Jones at 910-362-7726 or abjones355@cfcc.edu .

For more information contact the club advisor, Tammy Powell, at tpowell@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7048 .
The IASL Club members support and promote the Interpreter Education program at CFCC. Our members join together to plan community service events and fundraisers in the Deaf community in the Wilmington area and the surrounding coastal region. Additionally, the club strives to promote American Sign Language awareness in the local community.

For more information, contact Club Advisor Joy Schultz at 910-707-4727 or jtschultz550@cfcc.edu .

Cape Fear Community College is committed to providing programs and services that emphasize our commitment to global awareness and education. This is accomplished through our educational opportunities as well as support to students, CFCC faculty and staff, and the community. Learn more about the International Center at CFCC

Ben Sorensen
Health and Human Services/Library (L) Building, Wilmington Campus
International Center L221
411 North Front Street, Wilmington, NC 28401

More information coming soon.
Welcome to the Live Production Technologies Club!

The Live Production Technologies Club is a place where students interested in working with technical production equipment (such as soundboards, light boards, and much more!) can not only theorize about technical techniques for live events but also discuss those theories. Club members practice those theories with professionals who have decades of experience in the industry, offering a great deal of knowledge in regard to equipment and practices.

For more information, contact Ashley Black at alblack249@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7276 .

Promote the advancement of the profession of Nurse Aide, assist Nurse Aide students in making social connections with one another, with local employers, with CFCC student support opportunities, and to provide service to the local Wilmington community through volunteer action.

For more information contact:

Katie Griffin

The Pharmacy Technology Club is open to students at CFCC who are interested in Pharmacy Technology or who are already enrolled in our program. The main goal is to network within the pharmacy career field while building friendships with colleagues in the community. Club members provide services to the Wilmington Area and develop leadership skills.

For more information, contact the club advisor, Kasey Price, at kprice@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7922 .

The purpose of the Phlebotomy Club is to help students do things related to phlebotomy in the community and on campus. Students will also raise funds through the club to help offset some of the costs of the National Certification and a pinning ceremony.

Laura Muldowney

The Pineapple Guild provides social and professional contacts and experiences for students in the Hospitality Management, Culinary Arts, and Baking and Pastry programs. Members engage in community and college food service for charitable and fundraising purposes in order to support our annual trip to the National Restaurant Association Expo in Chicago.

For more information, please contact Club Advisor Diane Withrow at 910-362-7072 .

The mission of Plastic Ocean Project, Inc. 501(c)3 is to educate through field research, implement progressive outreach initiatives, and incubate solutions to address the global plastic pollution problem, working with and for the next generation (that’s us!) to create a more sustainable future. Our hope is to create a collective community focused on reducing plastic use while finding innovation and collaboration around giving value to plastic waste that will in turn encourage the “mining” of plastics on and offshore.

For more information, visit the Plastic Ocean Project website or contact Club Advisor Shawna Rowe at srowe@cfcc.edu , pop@cfcc.edu , or 910-362-7407 .

For more information, contact Gayle Bordeaux at gbordeaux@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7625 .
The Print Collective is a student club focusing on all the facets of printmaking including but not limited to Relief printing, Screen printing, Intaglio print, etc.

Our goals as a club for Cape Fear Community College are to Communicate and Collaborate with Alumni, to Engage with the Community, Broaden the Horizons of Perspective Students, Strengthen Wilmington’s Art Community, to strengthen Individual Students and inspire Further Development, to Give Back to the Community, but most of all to Make Art.

Benjamin Billingsley
WA 1030

For more information, contact the club advisor, Donna Collentine, at dcollentine@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7298 .

Ratio Christi (Latin for “The Reason of Christ”) is a global movement that equips university students and faculty to give historical, philosophical, and scientific reasons for following Jesus Christ. Bringing together faith and reason to establish the intellectual voice of Christ in the University, Ratio Christi is planting student and faculty-led apologetics clubs at universities around the world. Students, engaged in the battle for the mind, learn to defend God’s existence, the reliability of the Bible, and the fact of Christ’s resurrection.

For more information, contact Club Advisor Beth Hood at 910-362-7584 or bhood@cfcc.edu .

The mission of the Sea Devils Cyber Club is to create an environment where students with varying degrees of computer and networking technology skills can work together to enhance their academic achievements and experience through volunteer services, activities, and partnerships with local industry.

For more information, contact Club Advisor Greg Vandergriff at 910-362-7292 or wgvandergriff99@cfcc.edu or Co-Advisor Jon Armke at 910-362-7377 or jearmke063@cfcc.edu .

The Sea Devils Recovery Club aims to provide a variety of recovery support services to assist students in maintaining and protecting their recovery through seminars related to recovery or relapse prevention; skills training; mutual aid meetings; and team/community-building activities.

For more information, contact Dr. Latonya Niang at lniang@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7162 .

The purpose of the CFCC women’s lacrosse club is to provide a high-quality, competitive lacrosse experience to CFCC students which allows athletes to improve and have fun.

For more information, contact John Olsen at 910-362-7361 or jolsen@cfcc.edu .

For more information, contact the club advisor, Kellee Stacks, at kastacks58@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7482 .
The CFCC Weightlifting Club aims to promote a healthy and encouraging atmosphere that builds individual confidence and club camaraderie. The club will provide an opportunity for students to meet together for the purpose of improving personal weightlifting goals while also helping each other throughout the process.

Our mission is to help in the develop and maintain an athletic lifestyle outside of organized college sports. Club activities include regular meeting for weightlifting activities as well as other topics that may benefit the club and/or school. Currently, CFCC does not have weightlifting facilities so club meetings will utilize one or more local gyms.

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