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Meet the SGA

Executive Officers/Senators

Ivan Ramirez
Ivan Ramirez

Vice President, SGA

Stefanie Perez-Sintuj
Stefanie Perez-Sintuj

Secretary, SGA

Taylor Todd-Williams

Student Life Coordinator

Position Descriptions

Executive Officers: The Executive Officers of the Student Government Association (SGA) are a team of student leaders responsible for managing the day-to-day operations and representing the interests of the student body. Each officer oversees key areas of the SGA’s work, including organizing events, managing finances, and communicating with the administration.

President: Leads the SGA, representing students to the administration and organizing major initiatives.

Vice President: Supports the president and may take on specific projects or duties in their absence.

Secretary: Manages records, meeting notes, and official communications.

Public Information Officer: Is responsible for keeping the student body informed about SGA events, initiatives, and news.

Senators: Senators represent specific student groups, academic departments, or areas of campus life. Their primary role is to voice concerns, ideas, and needs of the student body within the SGA, vote on initiatives, and contribute to committee work.

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