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CFCC student veteran transfers to NC State with Goodnight Scholarship

Jimmy Nicholas

Jimmy Nicholas was born in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and immigrated to California with his family at the age of 2. They moved around the United States before eventually settling in Wilmington. In 2017, he made the decision to join the Army and successfully completed boot camp while in high school.

His dedication to serving his country led to deployment in Kuwait from 2019 to 2020, where he carried out missions in Jordan and Syria. Following the completion of his deployment, Jimmy decided to further his education and enroll at Cape Fear Community College.


Enrolling at Cape Fear Community College appealed to Jimmy as it presented a chance to embark on a new academic journey and explore diverse areas of study. Despite previous doubts about his capabilities and hesitations arising from past experiences, he underwent a period of self-reflection after his deployment, solidifying his determination to pursue higher education and uncover his true passion.

Seeking to enrich himself and prepare for his future endeavors, Jimmy enrolled at CFCC. He believed that CFCC offered the ideal environment to begin the challenging yet rewarding path of higher education.


During his time at CFCC, Jimmy’s college experience exceeded his expectations. He anticipated the typical workload and atmosphere but was pleasantly surprised by the strong bonds he formed with classmates and colleagues, resulting in many close friendships.

He actively participated in various extracurricular activities, holding significant leadership roles as the President of the Student Government Association and Vice-President of the Student Veterans Organization. These experiences allowed him to take on responsibilities and develop essential skills outside the classroom.

“My time at CFCC was unlike any other,” shared Jimmy. “CFCC provided me with the full college experience including ample opportunities for involvement and personal growth.”


Jimmy’s favorite classes at Cape Fear Community College were his math courses, spanning from precalculus to calculus 3 and differential equations. He considered himself fortunate to have exceptional instructors, including Shannon Gunter, Ashley Harrell, Brittany Vicks, and Emily Stein.

Under the guidance of Emily Stein, Jimmy received instruction in all his calculus and differential equation courses. Stein’s teaching style served as a source of inspiration for him, leading him to tutor in CFCC’s learning lab and contemplate pursuing an additional major or minor in mathematics.


After graduating from Cape Fear Community College, Jimmy has his sights set on North Carolina State University, where he plans to enroll in the fall. There, he intends to major in Aerospace Engineering and minor in Mathematics.

Looking ahead to the future, Jimmy has ambitious career goals. Upon completion of his studies at NC State, he aims to explore job opportunities with renowned companies such as General Motors Defense, Lockheed Martin, and Boeing Defense. Additionally, he is contemplating the possibility of continuing his career in the military as an officer or pursuing a master’s degree in aerospace engineering to further enhance his professional qualifications.


Jimmy’s advice to others is to maintain a broader perspective and remain undeterred by challenges that may arise. He encourages viewing these obstacles as chances for personal growth and learning, and celebrating every achievement along the way.

Moreover, he emphasizes the significance of prioritizing mental health and well-being. Understanding that college may not be suitable for everyone and acknowledging that stress is a common experience, he advises finding effective self-care practices and seeking support when necessary to navigate the most suitable path forward.

“College is a time for exploration, discovering your interests, pushing beyond your comfort zone, and becoming a better version of yourself,” Jimmy commented. “Cape Fear Community College provides numerous resources and opportunities for students, so make sure to utilize them to achieve your goals.”


Reflecting on his time at CFCC, Jimmy felt that the college provided him with a complete and fulfilling college experience. The ample opportunities for involvement and personal growth contributed to his overall satisfaction with his journey at Cape Fear Community College.

Jimmy extends his heartfelt gratitude to the entire community for their unwavering support throughout his journey. Their encouragement played a pivotal role in helping him conquer challenges and celebrate accomplishments.

“I am thankful to the leadership at Cape Fear Community College for their ongoing commitment to supporting students and staff,” Jimmy concludes. “Through their efforts, I was able to not only gain acceptance to North Carolina State University but also earn a full-ride scholarship through the Goodnight Scholars program.”

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