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Student Spotlight: Mae Owens

Mae Owens

Mae Owens has just started her first semester in the Veterinary Medical Technology program at Cape Fear Community College. Originally from California, she relocated to the area because her husband is stationed at Camp Lejeune with the United States Marine Corps.

After learning about the Veterinary Medical Technology program, Mae attended the program’s open house with her young son and was immediately impressed. As she juggles her studies and motherhood, Mae is excited about the opportunities her degree will bring. She appreciates the career flexibility in this field, which will allow her to keep pursuing her passion even as her husband’s assignments change. We sat down with Mae to learn more about her journey and plans.

Read her full Q&A below.

What inspired you to pursue a career in Veterinary Medical Technology?

I’ve had a passion for working with animals since I was young. Over the years, I’ve volunteered with wildlife rescues, but I had doubts about succeeding through formal education. Now, I’m putting those fears aside and finally pursuing my dream!

Why did you decide to enroll at CFCC?

I chose CFCC because they offer a Veterinary Medical Technology program. I attended their VMT Open House and was impressed by how kind and helpful everyone was. This really reinforced my decision to attend CFCC.

How has your experience been at CFCC so far?

My experience at CFCC has been wonderful so far. The faculty has been supportive and makes an effort to ensure your success. I have also found a lot of camaraderie with my fellow students, and their support has been invaluable!

What are your career goals after graduating from CFCC?

After I graduate, I will work in a veterinary office as a veterinary technician! Since my husband is in the military, I’m not sure where I’ll end up, but I’m confident I’ll make it work wherever I go!

What advice would you give someone considering studying at CFCC?

My advice is to just go for it! It doesn’t matter your age, previous education, or any doubts you might have. You’re capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

There’s a quote by Earl Nightingale that I love and sticks with me. He says, “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”

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