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Employee Purchasing Information

Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) has the purchasing authority/delegation of $25,000 for non-IT related purchases prescribed by Purchase and Contract (P&C) and $25,000 delegation for IT related purchases prescribed by Department of Information Technology (DIT). Departments should obtain preliminary price quotes from vendors (over these amounts) for budgeting and requisition submittal. Final pricing for purchase orders is determined by the Purchasing Department through the formal bidding process.

Purchases less than $4,999: (Non IT, Non State Term Contract Items) purchases under this price point do not require formal written solicitation of competition. User are required to seek a quote and attach to requisition in E-Procurement.

(Non IT, Non State Term Contract items) purchases require formal written solicitation of competition. These formal written solicitations or Requests for Quotations (RFQ), CFCC Purchasing will generate and submit to the appropriate vendors via email. Users are required to include a minimum of two vendors (if available) include names and email in the comments of the E-Procurement Requisition.

No matter the total dollar amount on a requisition, the department/end user must first check to see if the goods or services are available from Correctional Enterprises, State Term Contract, or System-Wide Term Contract. If the merchandise is not available from any of the sources referenced above, then the following bid requirements must be followed.

State Term Contracts are established by State P&C to obtain more favorable pricing through volume purchasing, reduce lead-time and administrative effort. The State participates in selected State Contracts. If the State is a party to such a Contract, all requirements for those items must be purchased under that Contract unless G.S. 115D-58.14 (Purchasing Flexibility) applies.

As per G.S. 115D-58.14, community colleges may purchase supplies, equipment, and materials from non-certified sources that are available under State Term Contracts.

As per 01 NCAC 05B .1401, and otherwise if deemed to be in the public interest by the SPO or the agency, if under its delegation or benchmark, competition may be waived.

As per 01 NCAC 05B.1601 it is not mandatory for the items and services listed below to be purchased through P&C; however, P&C Rules for competition thresholds, standards and proper procurement procedures must be followed.

  • Liquor; Fresh meats, Published books/subscriptions or like materials, Services by individuals by direct employment, Public Utilities, telephone services, Services subject to tariff rates, Incidental services, Construction, Personal Services, and Services from college to college.

As per 09 NCAC 06B .1301 it is not mandatory for personal services contracts, services from college to college, and subscriptions to be purchased through or approved by the Statewide IT Procurement Office, however, ITS Rules, competition thresholds, standards and proper procurement procedures must be followed.

As per 09 NCAC 06B .0301 All information technology purchases involving the expenditure of state funds by the purchasing agency shall be competitively bid in conformity with the “Best Value” information technology procurement requirements in G.S. 143-135.9 and Rule .0302.

As per 09 NCAC 06B.0901, and otherwise if deemed to be in the public interest by the State CIO, competition may be limited or waived where a factual basis demonstrates support of one or more of the conditions set forth in Paragraph (b) of this Rule. If the procurement is within a purchasing agency’s general delegation, then the purchasing agency may waive competition in\ conformance with this Rule. If the procurement is greater than the agency’s delegation, requests for limited or waived competition shall be submitted to the State CIO for approval.

NC G.S.143-129 allows for an exception to the Formal Bid procedure “in cases of special emergency involving the health and safety of the people or their property.” Report all emergency purchases to the Purchasing Department.

Sole Source is available “when performance or price competition for a product are not available; when a needed product is available from only one source of supply; or when standardization or compatibility is the overriding consideration.”
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