Home / Student Spotlights / CFCC mechatronics student turns Corning Technician Pipeline apprentice

CFCC mechatronics student turns Corning Technician Pipeline apprentice

CJ Jones

CJ Jones knew he wanted a career that would still bring him fulfillment and purpose that would keep him close to home. He ventured into exploring various career options. Undeterred, CJ resolved to enhance his skillset and uncover new opportunities by enrolling in classes at CFCC.


CJ kickstarted his new journey at CFCC by earning his forklift certification. However, CJ’s thirst for knowledge and desire to grasp every chance for advancement led him further down the road of continuing education.

Eager to broaden his horizons and delve deeper into the intricacies of modern manufacturing and production-related occupations, he made the decision to enroll in CFCC’s Production Technician program . This comprehensive curriculum equipped him with a diverse skill set, encompassing not only safety awareness but also honing his problem-solving abilities and introducing him to the essential industrial tools and maintenance practices.


Impressed by CJ’s commitment to advancing his career, his fiancée and future brother-in-law shared a Facebook post from CFCC’s account promoting their Mechatronics Engineering Technology program . Intrigued by the idea of working with automated processing systems, CJ promptly contacted CFCC to gather more information about the program.

In the spring of 2022, CJ enrolled in CFCC’s Mechatronics Engineering Technology Automation certificate program. Under the guidance of Jason Randall, the program’s director, and instructor, CJ began training for his new career focus.

“After looking into the program, I realized that this is the future,” shared CJ. “Jobs are opening in this field because so many industries are moving to robotics. Training for this career means job security to me.”


Randall also takes on the role of academic advisor for Mechatronics students, providing valuable mentorship and support. Recognizing CJ’s potential, Randall introduced CJ to the Corning Technician Pipeline Program (TPP) apprenticeship , an opportunity that held great promise for CJ’s future endeavors.

Established in 2008, Corning brought the program to six North Carolina community colleges including Cape Fear Community College in 2021. The apprenticeship allows students to study and earn degrees in Mechatronics Engineering, among other select industrial fields, while working at Corning. Corning pays tuition for the entire program and guarantees a full-time job after graduation.

“The Corning TPP program is an incredible opportunity for mechatronics students,” Randall commented. “Corning normally only takes in two TPP students every summer to start in the fall. Last year they took three students, including CJ. I recommended him because I saw potential in him and his future.”


Encouraged by Randall, CJ applied for the apprenticeship and was accepted into the program. By the fall of 2022, CJ was enrolled in the Mechatronics Engineering Technology associate degree program and working part-time for Corning.

Even though Corning provides a full-time salary, CJ is only required to report 8 hours a week during the fall and spring semesters. The work-based learning allows additional hands-on training as CJ uses his coursework in real-world applications.

CJ’s commitment to Corning includes signing a 5-year contract, part of which covers his time in school. After graduation, he will work full-time for a minimum of three years to fulfill his obligation. But CJ plans to work for Corning long beyond the contract completion date.

“I am already putting my studies to work,” explained CJ. “I am using the automation knowledge I gained calibrating and troubleshooting the robots at the plant. I believe that I am entering a long-term career, and I see myself working for Corning until I retire.”

Learn more about CFCC’s Mechatronics Engineering Technology program and the Corning Technician Pipeline Program

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