Home / Economic and Workforce Development / How to Register

How to Register

The information below outlines the steps to register for Economic & Workforce Development Courses (also referred to as EWD, short-term, or job training courses). There are three main ways to register: online, in person, or by mail. Use the buttons below to learn more about each option:

Register Now!

If you receive an error message (e.g., “Please see system administrator” or “The information you put in does not match”), please verify the accuracy of the following information:

  1. The name you most recently registered with
  2. Your most recently used zip code
  3. Your birth date

If this information does not match our system, then please contact the Student HelpDesk for assistance at Help@cfcc.edu or call 910-362-4357 to set or reset your password.

Download the registration form , fill it out completely, and mail it along with your payment at least 24 – 48 hours before the start date of the course meeting to the following address:

Cape Fear Community College
Attn: Continuing Education
502 N Front Street
Wilmington, NC 28401

Download the registration form , fill it out completely and bring it along with your payment at least 24 – 48 hours before the start date of the course meeting to one of the following locations:

Cape Fear Community College – Downtown Wilmington
Continuing Education Department
5th Floor, Union Station Building
502 N Front Street
Wilmington, NC 28401

Cape Fear Community College – Burgaw Center
100 East Industrial Drive
Burgaw, NC 28425

Cape Fear Community College – Alston W. Burke Center at Surf City
621 NC Hwy 210 E
Hampstead, NC 28443

Payment can be made by cash, check, credit card, or debit card.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Financial aid is not available for Continuing Education courses. Tuition for students enrolling in courses to prepare individuals for employment, or upgrade the skills of workers already employed (Occupation Extension) may vary. However, fees may be established for self-supporting seminars and courses according to the schedule below; in some cases more than normal expenses to the College may be incurred. Such charges may cover the cost of instructional materials and/or textbooks required in such classes.

The North Carolina State Board of Community Colleges is responsible for our fee structure for Occupational Extension courses. These fees are subject to change.

Continuing Education Occupational Extension (per course)

1 – 24 hours $ 70.00
25 – 50 hour $125.00
50+ hours $180.00

Continuing Education fees vary depending on the course classification. Some programs, such as Basic Skills, Emergency Services, and Human Resources Development, may be fee waived.

Click here to learn more about scholarship opportunities.

Withdrawal & Refund Policy
  1. The refund policy, as set forth by the North Carolina General Assembly, follows in the next paragraph. To be eligible for a refund the student must officially withdraw from the class by submitting this withdrawal/refund request form. Any additional fees paid are nonrefundable, including professional liability insurance and technology fees.
  2. A 100 percent tuition refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from class before the first class meeting. The student must submit this withdrawal/refund request form. The request must be received by the College no later than the day before the first class meeting.
  3. A 75 percent tuition refund shall be made if the student officially withdraws from class prior to or on the 10 percent date of scheduled hours. The student must submit this withdrawal/refund request form. The request must be received by the College no later than the 10% date of the course. Students are responsible for obtaining the 10 percent date from their instructor or CFCC staff on the first class meeting.
  4. Please note: For courses that meet fewer than 10 times, the 10 percent date will usually be the first class meeting.
  5. A full refund shall be made for classes canceled by the college. Students do not have to request refunds in this case.
  6. Refunds will be issued via mailed check. It may take 2-3 business weeks to receive your refund.
  7. To request a refund, click here .

Students can obtain a copy of their Continuing Education transcript through Transcript Request .

Continuing Education Parking Pass
Parking passes will be emailed to the email address the student uses for registration.

Students are required to display parking passes on vehicles parked on campus at any site.

Contact Us

Check each class section for telephone numbers for further information.

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