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August: Welcome New & Returning Students!

Nixon Leaders Center (U-152) 11 am – 2 pm

Melt the Stigma of Mental Health! Come join the Counseling and Student Accessibility Services teams in the Nixon Leaders Center for some ice cream treats. Together we can melt the stigma that surrounds mental health, self-care, and seeking help.

September: Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month

College Student Suicide Awareness and Prevention Display

A display of purple and teal pinwheels during the month of September bring awareness of the 24,000 college students who will attempt suicide each year and a memorial to the 1,100 who will die by suicide. Suicide is the #2 leading cause of college student death in the United States.

Movie & A Message “The Keeper” (U-170) 2 pm – 5 pm

The Veterans Center hosts an impactful guest speaker along with a newly released movie bringing awareness to Veteran suicide. CFCC Counselors will be available to support and provide insight.

Lunch & Learn with CFCC Counseling in the Nixon Leaders Center (U-152) 12 pm

Mackenzie Reaves will provide a relevant and interactive presentation.

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Wellness Week Topic: Coping Strategies & Self Care
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

Thrive Together (U-262) 11 am – 12 pm

Ashley Sprotberry will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of all CFCC students. The goal of the group is to help normalize mental health issues that may impact a student’s ability to be successful. Attendees can expect to learn tools and skills to manage things like anxiety, procrastination, communication skills and boundary setting. Snacks provided!

First Gen. Connections (U-262) 11 am – 12 pm

Emily Varnell will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of First Generation college students. Students will engage in conversation surrounding first gen. student resources and building connections through sharing, mentorship and collaboration. Snacks provided!

Teammates for Mental Health (U-262) 11 am – 12 pm

Mackenzie Reaves will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of CFCC student athletes. Students will engage in storytelling and psychoeducational activities to learn healthy coping skills, and to work together to stop the stigma around mental health challenges and athletics. Snacks provided!

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Academic Week Topic: Time Management & Avoiding Procrastination
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

“Ending the Silence” presentation by Wilmington NAMI U-170, 11:00 – noon

NAMI Ending the Silence is an engaging presentation that helps audience members learn about the warning signs of mental health conditions and what steps to take if you or a loved one are showing symptoms of a mental health condition.
NAMI Ending the Silence presentations include two leaders: one who shares an informative presentation and a young adult with a mental health condition who shares their journey of recovery. Audience members can ask questions and gain understanding of an often-misunderstood topic. Through dialogue, we can help grow the movement to end stigma.
Snacks will be served at the conclusion. Classes are welcome and encouraged to attend!

9.18 & 9.19
Do-nut Stress – just do your best!

See below for your campus’ scheduled dates!

Have a donut and pick up some stress relief tips to start out the semester:
● Downtown, Union Station Lobby, 9.18, 10 am – 12 pm
● Surf City, 9.18, while supplies last
● North, McKeithan Center Lobby, 9.19, 10 am – 12 pm
● Burgaw/PECHS, 9.19, during Wolf Lunch, 11:30 am – 12:15 pm

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Calming Craft Week: Bullet Journal: All supplies and instruction will be provided to organize your time and activities in a popular bullet journal for academic success
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

“It’s Real” virtual presentation by American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Wilmington, 12:00 – 1:00 pm.

“It’s Real” is a presentation by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention that provides a clear understanding of this leading cause of death, including the most up-to-date research on suicide prevention, and what you can do in our community to save lives. Participants will learn common risk factors and warning signs associated with suicide, and how to keep themselves and others safe. Click here to sign up for the virtual presentation.

Pinwheel Distribution

See below for your campus’ scheduled dates!

Pick up your pinwheel as a reminder to be kind and supportive during Suicide Awareness
Prevention and Awareness month and always.
● Union Station lobby – Downtown, 10 am – 12 pm
● McKeithan Center lobby – North, 10 am – 12 pm
● Surf City, while supplies last
● Burgaw/PECHS, during Wolf Lunch, 11:30 am – 12:15 pm

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Wellness Week Topic: Imposter Syndrome & Building Self Confidence
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

October: Domestic Violence Awareness Month

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Academic Week Topic: Learning Styles & Accessing Resources
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

Domestic Violence/DV 101: The Purple Elephant in the Room (U-170) 11 am – 12 pm

Presented by: Hannah McCoy, Open Gate, Domestic Violence Outreach Coordinator/Advocate

This presentation looks into the topic of Domestic Violence with the intention of breaking down stigma and raising awareness on how we should be supporting survivors and starting conversations around DV. There will also be an interactive portion that demonstrates the conflict survivors may face in getting connected with assistance.Snacks will be served afterwards. Classes are welcome and encouraged to attend!

RSVP with counseling@cfcc.edu, please.

Thrive Together (U-262) 2 pm – 3 pm

Ashley Sprotberry will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of all CFCC students. The goal of the group is to help normalize mental health issues that may impact a student’s ability to be successful. Attendees can expect to learn tools and skills to manage things like anxiety, procrastination, communication skills and boundary setting. Snacks provided!

First Gen. Connections (U-262) 11 am – 12 pm

Emily Varnell will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of First Generation college students. Students will engage in conversation surrounding first gen. student resources and building connections through sharing, mentorship and collaboration. Snacks provided!

Teammates for Mental Health (U-262) 11 am – 12 pm

Mackenzie Reaves will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of CFCC student athletes. Students will engage in storytelling and psychoeducational activities to learn healthy coping skills, and to work together to stop the stigma around mental health challenges and athletics. Snacks provided!

10.21 – 10.25
Chalk the Walk

The Creative Arts Club and students will provide chalk drawing encouragement and pictures in support of students with invisible disabilities.

(if you are interested in having your class join in the fun, contact counseling@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7017).

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Calming Craft Week: Rock Painting
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

All supplies will be provided for you to unwind with this opportunity to create a mini work of art. Make a rock to hide as a random act of kindness to brighten someone’s day, for a friend, or just a pet rock for yourself!

SAS/Counseling: Art &Inclusivity, Union Station Lobby 10 am – 12 pm

● In honor of Invisible Disabilities Week, the Counseling Center and Student Accessibility Services at CFCC will host a student art show to raise awareness and reduce the stigma of invisible disabilities related to mental health and wellness.
● Students can also add their artistic touches to a shared painted canvas during this time!
● Snacks will be provided!

Students interested in submitting artwork to inspire their classmates may drop it off in U-218 prior to Oct. 23.

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Wellness Week Topic: Managing Test Anxiety
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

November: Gratitude

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Academic Week Topic: Study Skills
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

Thrive Together: U-262 – 11 am – 12 pm

Ashley Sprotberry will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of all CFCC students. The goal of the group is to help normalize mental health issues that may impact a student’s ability to be successful. Attendees can expect to learn tools and skills to manage things like anxiety, procrastination, communication skills and boundary setting. Snacks provided!

Gratitude Jar Activity: all campuses, 10am – 12 pm

Students are encouraged to stop by and share what they are grateful for and add it to
the Gratitude Jar
● Union Station Lobby – Downtown
● McKeithan Center Lobby – North
● Surf City LobbyBurgaw/PECHS (during Wolf Lunch)

First Gen. Connections: U-262 – 11 am – 12 pm

Emily Varnell will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of First Generation college students. Students will engage in conversation surrounding first gen. student resources and building connections through sharing, mentorship and collaboration. Snacks provided!

Teammates for Mental Health, U-262 – 11 am – 12 pm

Mackenzie Reaves will be facilitating this group to support the mental health of CFCC student athletes. Students will engage in storytelling and psychoeducational activities to learn healthy coping skills, and to work together to stop the stigma around mental health challenges and athletics. Snacks provided!

Veteran’s Day – Veterans Resource Center Event
11.13 & 11.14
Mocktail Mania

In preparation for the holiday season, CFCC Counseling Center will share some tasty alcohol-free treats to make the season holly jolly!
● Downtown Campus, Union Station Lobby, Nov. 13, 10 am – 12 pm
● Mocktails, North Campus, McKeithan Center Lobby, Nov. 14, 10 am – 12 pm

CAYA (Come as You Are) with Counseling Learning Resource Center Conference Room (L – 201) 1 pm – 2 pm

Calming Craft Week: Calm Jars
This nine week library series will include a wellness topic one week, an academic topic the second week, and then a calming craft to top it off, then repeat! Come to one session or come to all! Snacks provided!

All supplies and instruction will be provided to create a “calm jar” to help you de-stress as you finish out the fall semester strong!

December: Finals and Finishing the Semester Strong!

12.2 & 12.3
Calm & Connect

● 12.2 – at Union Station Downtown
● 12.3 – at McKeithan Center, North Campus

Take time for self care at the end of the semester when things get a bit hectic. Pick up some self care items, test taking tips, and learn about chair yoga! Your counselors are here for you.

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