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Employee Spotlight: Gerri Hunter

Gerri Hunter

From the New York Times to the supportive corridors of Cape Fear Community College, Gerri Hunter’s career has been a testament to resilience and adaptability. In 2007, Gerri faced a significant turning point when her job was outsourced. This challenge led her to a new beginning in education, initially as a student and later as a valued staff member at CFCC. Through her roles, Gerri has touched the lives of many, fostering a community spirit and advocating for continuous learning.

In this Q&A, Gerri shares insights into her career transitions, her passion for helping others, and the little-known facets of her life that have shaped who she is today.

What year did you start working at CFCC, and what brought you here?

In 2007, my position at the New York Times was outsourced, which led me to the unemployment agency in New Hanover County. There, I was introduced to a new program that covered the cost of education, prompting me to enroll in the Accounting program at Cape Fear Community College. After becoming familiar with the campus and taking a break for personal reasons, I was offered a part-time secretary position in the Business Office in 2009, just after my last child graduated high school. I’ve been at Cape Fear ever since.

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I thrive on making a positive impact, whether it’s through helping someone directly, solving problems, or contributing to team efforts at events. I enjoy the diversity of challenges and the opportunity to help colleagues and students. The support and camaraderie from my department, especially when I received my associate degree, have been incredibly meaningful to me.

When you’re not working, what do you do?

I’m a homebody who loves spending time with family and friends, reading, playing computer games, vacationing, walking, and enjoying moments of silence.

Who had the greatest influence on your education and/or career path?

My father had the greatest influence. He was initially upset when I left high school during my senior year, but once I explained my reasons and promised to return, he was supportive.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

During my last day at St. John’s Museum, the staff shared how I had influenced them to start their days with a greeting, changing the morning atmosphere. One staff member remarked, “Gerri, keep being who you are because you are one in a million and have the gift of making people feel good inside.”

What is something not many people know about you?

I don’t drive. Although I learned when I was sixteen, I chose to rely on public transportation when I moved here, teaching my children to do the same.

Degrees & Certificates
  • New York Food & Hotel Management, Certificate
  • Cape Fear Community College, Business Entry Program Certificate
  • Associate Degree, Cape Fear Community College
  • Currently completing my bachelor’s degree.
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