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Blackbaud Data Security Incident

The Cape Fear Community College Foundation has been notified of a ransomware attack on Blackbaud , a private, highly regarded company that provides cloud-based service platforms to assist colleges, universities and nonprofits across the globe. Blackbaud’s constituent relationship
management services are employed by the Cape Fear Community College Foundation, along with many other local institutions and organizations.

Rest assured, the cybercriminal did not access your credit card information, bank account information, or social security number. However, Blackbaud has determined that the data may have contained donor names, physical addresses, history of gifts made to the CFCC Foundation, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Based on the nature of the incident, Blackbaud’s research, and third-party investigation (including law enforcement), we have been assured that no data went beyond the cybercriminal, was or will be misused, or will be disseminated or otherwise made available publicly.

As part of their ongoing efforts to help prevent an incident like this from happening in the future, Blackbaud has swiftly implemented several changes that will protect your data from any subsequent incidents.

This security incident should not create any vulnerabilities for you; however, we regret that it occurred and, out of an abundance of caution, we wanted to make you aware. We will continue to work with Blackbaud to confirm they take the necessary steps to minimize any impact to you. We take the protection of your information very seriously and encourage you to remain vigilant, as always, to the threat of identity theft.

We sincerely apologize for this incident and regret any inconvenience it may cause you. Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding this matter and/or the protections available to you, please do not hesitate to contact us at 910-362-7207 or foundation@cfcc.edu .


Report Incidents

If you detect any incident of identity theft or fraud, promptly report the incident to law enforcement, the FTC and your state Attorney General. If you believe your identity has been stolen, the FTC recommends that you take these steps:

  • Close the accounts that you have confirmed or believe have been tampered with or opened fraudulently. For streamlined checklists and sample letters to help guide you through the recovery process, please visit https://www.identitytheft.gov/
  • File a local police report. Obtain a copy of the police report and submit it to your creditors and any others that may require proof of the identity theft crime.

You can contact the FTC to learn more about how to protect yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft and how to repair identity theft:

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Response Center
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
1-877-IDTHEFT (438-4338) 

Consider Placing a Fraud Alert on Your Credit File

To protect yourself from possible identity theft, consider placing a fraud alert on your credit file. A fraud alert helps protect you against the possibility of an identity thief opening new credit accounts in your name. When a merchant checks the credit history of someone applying for credit, the merchant gets a notice that the applicant may be the victim of identity theft. The alert notifies the merchant to take steps to verify the identity of the applicant. You can place a fraud alert on your credit report by calling any one of the toll-free numbers provided below. You will reach an automated telephone system that allows you to flag your file with a fraud alert at all three consumer reporting agencies. For more information on fraud alerts, you also may contact the FTC as described above.

Equifax Information Services LLC
P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374
1-800-525-6285  https://www.equifax.com

Experian Inc.
P.O. Box 9554 Allen, TX 75013
1-888-397-3742  https://www.experian.com

TransUnion LLC
P.O. Box 2000 Chester, PA 19016
1-800-680-7289 https://www.transunion.com

For North Carolina Residents
You can obtain information from the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office about preventing identity theft. You can contact the North Carolina Attorney General at:

North Carolina Attorney General’s Office
Consumer Protection Division
9001 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001
877-566-7226 (toll-free in North Carolina)

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