Home / Programs of Study / Health & Human Services / Health and Fitness Science / Student Support

Student Support

Technical Standards:

Health and Fitness Science is a practice discipline with cognitive, sensory, affective, and psychomotor performance requirements. For purposes of the Health and Fitness Science program compliance with the 1990 Americans with Disability Act, a qualified individual with a disability is one who, with or without reasonable accommodation or modification, meets the essential eligibility requirements for participation in the Health and Fitness Science program.

Suppose a student believes that he or she cannot meet HFS program requirements without accommodations. In that case, the Disability Support Services office will determine, on an individual basis, whether or not the necessary accommodations or modifications can be reasonably made.

CFCC provides reasonable accommodation periods for qualified students with disabilities, as long as such disabilities, determined on a case-by-case basis, do not preclude the student from meeting the qualifications considered essential to the program. The essential functions (Technical Standards) are listed below.

Read the standards carefully and seek clarification if necessary.

Physical and Emotional Competencies Standards

  • Critical Thinking: The Health & Fitness Science Student should possess critical thinking ability sufficient for WBL judgment. For example, students must be able to identify lifestyle modification methods in WBL situations; participate in the development of a plan of action for the client.
  • Interpersonal Skills: The Health and Fitness Science Student shall possess interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals, families, groups, etc. from various social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds. For example, students shall establish rapport with clients and Health & Fitness Science cohorts.
  • Communication Skills: The Health and Fitness Science Student shall possess communication abilities sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written form. For example: explain exercises, initiate teaching, and document designed workouts and client responses accurately.
  • Mobility: The Health and Fitness Science Student shall be physically able to move from room to room, stand and walk for extended periods, and spot clients and fellow students during exercise routines. For example: administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation or first aid procedures.
  • Motor Skills: The Health and Fitness Science Student shall possess gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to provide safe and effective workout routines for themselves, demonstrations to classmates, and clients. HFS students must be able to perform exercises and workouts in PED 113, PED 117, PED 118, PED 119, HFS 120, HFS 210, HFS 212, and other physical activity courses. For example: perform squats or lunges.
  • Hearing: The Health and Fitness Science Student shall possess auditory ability sufficient to monitor and assess health needs and to effectively take notes on anything required or requested by the client. For example: hear the heart monitor alarms on a treadmill test or blood pressure sounds through the stethoscope.
  • Visual: The Health and Fitness Science student shall possess visual ability sufficient for observation and assessment. For example: assess changes in skin color (paleness or redness) and conduct visual assessments.
  • Tactile: The Health and Fitness Science Student shall possess tactile ability sufficient for assisting with physical assessment. For example: perform the overhead squat assessment.
  • Weight-Bearing: The Health and Fitness Science Student shall possess the ability to lift and manipulate/move 45-50 pounds weekly and sometimes daily. For example, position clients to enable them to perform the exercises appropriately or move equipment.
  • Temperament & Emotional Control: The Health and Fitness Science Student shall possess the ability to remain calm, and patient, and react professionally to certain situations. For example: act professionally during a conversation with a client who disagrees with training techniques.

If a Health and Fitness Science student believes that he or she cannot meet one or more of the standards without accommodation or modifications, the college must determine, on an individual basis, whether or not the necessary accommodations or modifications can reasonably be made.

Student Support:

Student Grievance Procedure:

Conflict Resolution
Appropriate conflict resolution is an important skill in the health and fitness industry. Any student with a course-related concern should proceed in the following manner and order:

  • First speak with the course instructor to remedy the concern.
  • If this does not result in a viable solution, request that the issue be brought before the Health and Fitness Science Program Director, Allison Nye . If the Program Director’s ruling is not to the student’s satisfaction, the issue should then be directed to the Dean of Health Sciences.

Policy Prohibiting Substitution:
It is expressly understood that the Students shall not be considered faculty or staff, staff substitutes or authorized to act as agents on behalf of the institution. It is further understood that the students are not entitled to any compensation from the college in connection with the program.

Student Support:
For more information please visit the accessibility services page .

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