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CCP Pathway: Graphic Design Certificate

This certificate program consists of seven (7) courses and 312 hours of instruction. The coursework will focus on graphic design principles & concepts utilizing Adobe Design software and web applications for graphic designers. Students can expect to learn about current design and technology. Using state-of-the-art software and resources, the Graphic Arts faculty will train students in all areas of design as well as logo creation, color theory, and newly emerging areas in the field.

CCP Graphic Design Program Overview

Program Location

Classes are held at our Downtown Campus and/or online. Delivery mode is subject to change.

The Career Technical Education/Workforce Development Pathway (CTE/WCEP)

Tuition free course hours that lead to technician education certificate, State, or Industry Recognized Credential aligned with a high school career cluster. Students are responsible for the following CFCC fees:

  • Parking & Security- $5.00
  • Technology Fee – $5.00

Students are responsible for maintaining an active Adobe Creative Cloud subscription. This subscription is required for the program and is utilized for assignments that must be completed outside the classroom. There is a student subscription rate available, please visit Adobe.com for more information.

Eligibility & Admission Requirements

  • Be a high school junior or senior
  • Have an unweighted GPA of 2.8 on high school courses or your principal’s approval
  • If GPA is lower than 2.8, assessment testing is required
  • For details on eligibility and admissions requirements, please speak to your high school career counselor

Application Process* for Public High School Students

Note: If your school is not listed, please contact slmcleod115@cfcc.edu .

  • Students MUST have their parent’s name and email address before clicking to complete the approval form
  • *Home School & Private School Students, please contact a Workforce Development Coordinator at slmcleod115@cfcc.edu or 910-362-7164 .

    Next Steps

    Once you have completed your application process (see above*), please contact slmcleod115@cfcc.edu to express your intent to enroll in the CTE/WCEP Graphic Design Pathway.

    Registration Documentation Requirements

    Once you have emailed, slmcleod115@cfcc.edu to express intent to enroll in the CTE/WCEP Graphic Design Pathway, you will receive an email with additional registration instructions. Below outlines the required documentation required to complete your registration.

    • CTE WCEP Acceptance Letter
    • Copy of current High School Transcript must be provided
    • Other documentation may be required
    Eligibility for Continued Enrollment in CCP (CTE/WCEP Pathway)

    To maintain eligibility for continued enrollment, a student must:

    • Continue to make progress toward high school graduation.
    • Continue to make progress toward successful completion of the Workforce Continuing Education pathway as defined by the pathway syllabus.
    • A student who doesn’t meet these criteria will be subject to the college’s policy for unsatisfactory progress.
    • For more information about this CCP Pathway application process, available programs, enrollment, and eligibility, please visit your High School Career Counselor.
    Graphic Design Program Expectations and Goals
    • Courses must be taken in the order listed
    • Students can take a maximum of 2 classes at a time
    • Prerequisites and corequisites must be followed
    • Successful completion of all courses is required to receive a certificate
    Class Prerequisites Corequisites
    Foundations of Design None None
    Adobe Design I Foundations of Design Foundations of Design
    Adobe Design II Foundations & Adobe Design I Adobe Illustrator
    Adobe Illustrator Foundations of Design & Adobe I Adobe II
    Adobe Photoshop Foundations of Design, Adobe I, Adobe II, Adobe Illustrator Web Applications
    Web Applications Foundations of Design, Adobe I, Adobe II, Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop
    Capstone Portfolio Foundations, Adobe I, Adobe II, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Web Applications N/A-
    Final course in the series, all other courses listed above must have been successfully completed prior to taking Capstone Portfolio.

    Program Plan

    Students can take a maximum of two classes at a time. Below is the required program plan for students taking two classes per semester.

    Class Semester
    Foundations of Design Semester I
    Adobe Design I Semester I
    Adobe Design II Semester II
    Adobe Illustrator Semester II
    Adobe Photoshop Semester III
    Web Applications Semester III
    Capstone Portfolio Semester IV

    *Courses are subject to cancellation due to low enrollment.

    Accessing CFCC online
    • It is required to use your MyCFCC and CFCC email
    • Once class begins, all email communications will be via CFCC email
    Directions for setting up your account
    • Go to https://cfcc.edu/
    • Click on “MyCFCC”
    • Click “First Time User”
    • Follow prompts provided
    Accessing Canvas
    • Go to https://cfcc.edu/
    • Click on “MyCFCC”
    • Log into “MYCFCC” (*account must be created, see above to create your account)
    • Click on “My Classes/Canvas”

    For assistance with user name, passwords, or setting up your MY CFCC, please contact the IT HelpDesk at 910-362-4357 or help@cfcc.edu

    Program & Course Registration Information
    • Students and instructors must wear face coverings and exercise social distancing at all times.
    • Students who are not complying with COVID policies will be asked to leave class and will be referred to student services before allowed to return to class. Student Services: 910-362-7191
    • Students and Instructors who have tested positive or known-exposure can call the campus COVID hotline for direction on what to do: 910-362-7725
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