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Untitled Photographs

Tiffany FudgeTiffany Fudge (formerly Dusterhoft) served 12 years in the Army as a 25V Combat Documentation Production
Specialist also known as a Combat Camera. She served in Iraq from 2007-2008 with the 55th Combat Camera Company out of Fort Meade, Maryland. In Iraq, Tiffany served with many different units, including her most memorable 3rd Infantry division and 10th Special Forces Group. Rer photography ranged from combat and forensic imagery to social engagements with the locals. After Tiffany returned from Iraq, she was granted the ability to further her education in communication skills at Syracuse University where she met her husband. Tiffany was then stationed in Rawaii where she worked for the Defense POW/MIA accounting agency as a forensic photographer and traveled all-over south- east Asia in search of our missing-in-action service members from previous wars. Tiffany has worked with many different militaries all over the world, including her most memorable with the Japanese self-defense force during Operation Tomodachi after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. She feels her time in the military was exciting and fulfilling and believes she had the best job in any service.

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