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Unveiling the Talent Behind Best in Show

William Creel William Creel is set to graduate next week with an Associate in Fine Arts in Visual Arts. With his top choices being Pratt and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, William is preparing to transfer to an art school in the Northeast.

Notably, he secured the prestigious Best in Show award at CFCC’s 2024 Student Art Exhibition, showcasing his exceptional talent and dedication to his craft. Wherever William lands, he wants to be in an environment with a flourishing art scene and establish himself as a freelance artist and painter.

William Creel, Effulgence, Oil on Canvas, 24″ x 24″, Best in Show

William Creel, Effulgence, Oil on Canvas, 24″ x 24″, Best in Show

Where are you originally from?

While my family is originally from Wilmington, I have moved all throughout my childhood. To simplify things, I’m partially from North Carolina and partially from New Jersey. Little parts of my identity also reside in Illinois, Rhode Island, and Colorado.

Why did you decide to enroll at CFCC?

I enrolled in CFCC as a dual enrollment student. I was homeschooled at the time of enrolling. Dual enrollment was a means for me to outsource some classes for my curriculum while also making friends and worthwhile connections. After I graduated high school, I decided to stay at CFCC to finish my Associate in Fine Arts.

Did you have a favorite class or instructor?

Mr. B, Benjamin Billingsley, is a personal favorite. The sentiment is inherently biased, considering I have taken five classes from him! He is always both authentic and personal, and he makes it incredibly clear that his goal is to set up the best opportunities for his students.

What specific art medium or style do you specialize in?

I enjoy various mediums, but oil painting and 2d animation are my favorites. I would consider my painting style semi-realistic, with expressive liberties in how I use color, brushstrokes, and lighting. That said, my style is always contingent on what inspires me in the given moment. So, my personal style is always in a stage of change and expansion.

How do you find inspiration for your artwork?

Inspiration is incredibly relevant to my work. Inspiration comes to me in most facets of my life. Music, films, fashion, and literature all help me build inspiration. Some of my highest moments of feeling inspired to create come after I watch an interesting movie or finish a book.

Could you share a favorite piece you’ve created and its story or meaning?

As an artist, I wouldn’t say that I have a single favorite work. With that said, I do admire certain aspects of a painting more than others, though. I have a painting, “Plum,” I am working on right now, and it is the largest painting I’ve ever done at 24” by 48” inches. I’m most fond of the process of painting “Plum.” The painting required lots of critical thinking mixed with creative expression, and it involved many setbacks I had to overcome.

Has your perspective on art evolved since beginning your studies at CFCC?

Definitely. My perspective on art, generally speaking, has changed with the interpersonal relationships between my classmates and professors. Since the art department and class sizes at CFCC are tight-knit, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know my professors and fellow artists well. The insight I have gained has opened up my perspective on art, giving me an optimistic view of art’s capability to change both people individually as well as culture and society.

Do you have any plans after graduating from CFCC, and what do you hope to achieve with your art in the future?

I’m currently in the process of transferring to an art school in the Northeast. The years of my childhood as a northerner are calling me back! Schools like Pratt and the School of the Arts Institute of Chicago are my top priority. I want to be in an environment with a flourishing art scene wherever I go. I hope to plant my feet in a city and make a living as a freelance artist/painter.

What advice would you give someone considering studying at CFCC?

If you decide to attend CFCC, talk to the people around you! Almost everyone I’ve met at CFCC has their own beautiful, valuable story. You can learn both in and outside the class with your peers. CFCC, especially the Wilson Center, has great resources, so take advantage of them.

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