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Campus Safety

Safety is a Top Priority at CFCC

The New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office, Pender County Law Enforcement, Allied Universal, and CFCC Parking Services strive to create, maintain, and cultivate safe academic environments at all CFCC campuses and centers.

The Campus Safety Office is comprised of both sworn Law Enforcement Deputies and non-sworn Campus Security Officers, as well as Parking Enforcement. CFCC works in conjunction with New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office and Pender County Sheriff’s Office , along with Allied Universal Security Services to patrol and protect our students, employees, guests, facilities, and properties.

Emergency Preparedness

Cape Fear Community College considers the safety of its students, employees, and guests of the utmost importance. We continually work to measure, evaluate, and improve safety at all campus locations. CFCC urges everyone to be individually prepared in the event of an emergency.

Small preparations, like making an emergency kit, creating an emergency plan, and practicing emergency response procedures, help to not only keep individual Sea Devils safe but also contribute to the safety and well-being of everyone at Cape Fear Community College.

Students, make sure your cell phone number is correct in your Self Service profile. All students are automatically signed up for CFCC Alerts. This way, the College can notify you in the event of an emergency.
In the event of a weather emergency, CFCC closely monitors conditions so we can make decisions about closings or delays. Any closing or delay will be announced via text message, on our website, and on our social media accounts. We also announce delays and closures through local news stations.

New Hanover County maintains a website for emergency resources at https://emergency.nhcgov.com/.

If you see an emergency happening, call 911. Please reference the chart below for other important safety contacts.


Who to contact

Emergency 911
Campus Safety Non-Emergency 910-362-7855
Safety Escort 910-362-7855 or 910-443-3647
Lost and Found 910-362-7855
Counseling and Psychological Services 910-310-7017
Student Accessibility Services 910-362-7158
Campus Safety Office (Galehouse Bldg, Rm A-220) 910-362-7855
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