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Our Donors

Thank you to the following individuals who gave to the Cape Fear Community College Foundation in the 2021-22 fiscal year. Their support allows CFCC to offer top-quality programs and to educate thousands of local students.

CFCC Foundation Giving Societies

All listings below reflect cumulative giving as of June 30, 2022.

Mr. Alston W. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Sanders
Ruth and Bucky Stein Scholarship Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson

Estate of Louise O. Burevitch
Cape Fear Memorial Foundation
Estate of Doris W. Eakes
Ministering Circle
Mr. Henry and Mrs. Roya Weyerhaeuser

Mr. Mark Alper
Babies Hospital Foundation, Inc.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Estate of Joel Peter Caplan
Mrs. Wilma W. Daniels
Duke Energy
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
Estate of Eleanor M. Greentree
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hagen
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hughes
Elaine and Jim Hynes
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. James
Mrs. Tabitha Hutaff McEachern
Linda and Reid Murchison
New Hanover Regional Medical Center
North Carolina Community College System
North Carolina Community Foundation, Inc.
Ogden-New Hanover Volunteer EMS
PNC Financial Services Group
Estate of Henry “Van” Reid and Ms. Pat Casaw
Mr. and Mrs. George Rountree III
The Saklad Family
Mrs. Barbara S. Schwartz
Mr. Howard Stein
Estate of Carolyn W. Tetirick
Estate of Jean M. Van Velsor
Wells Fargo Advisors
Mrs. Dottie Williams and Mr. Clayton Williams III
Wilmington Contractors Association Inc.

Air Wilmington
Assistance League of Greater Wilmington
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Black
Cape Fear Garden Club
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Capps
CFCC Faculty Association
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cherry
CJB Foundation, Inc.
Clancy & Theys Construction
Dr. J. Richard Corbett
Corning Incorporated
Corning Incorporated Foundation
Coterra Capital LLC
CP&L Foundation
Dan Cameron Family Foundation
Delaney Radiology
Robert L. Dixon Estate
Mr. J. Smith Doss and Ms. Claude G. Monnier
Edwin and Jeanette May Foundation
Mr. Stephen Euler and Mrs. Waltraud Keuchel-Euler
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Fox
Jack and Pam Fuller
GE Foundation
Holiday Delta, Inc.
Mrs. Linda Hines Hollis
Elaine and Jim Hynes
Intracoastal Realty Company
K.E. Austin Corporation
Mr. Edward L. Kiefhaber
Mr. and Mrs. Brian W. Kirschner
Kiwanis Club of Wilmington
Mary Jo and Dick Kovacevich
Mrs. Frances R. Lamb
Landfall Foundation
Dr. Matthew S. Lawson
Dr. John and Mrs. Betsy Leonard
Live Oak Bank
Mrs. Ann P. Longley
LS3P Associates Ltd.
Mr. W. Daniel Martin III
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mayew
Dr. Vidyut Mazzacca
Dr. and Mrs. Eric B. McKeithan
Dr. and Mrs. Martin B. Meyerson
Monteith Construction
James P. Murphy Revocable Trust
National Science Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Neal
New Hanover Regional Medical Center
North Carolina Azalea Festival at Wilmington
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pancoe
Pawn USA, Inc.
Estate of Margery Ray Burke Paylor
Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ricciardelli
Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Rowe
The Saklad Family
Mr. and Mrs. Arun Sanghvi
Ms. Donna Schaefer
Mrs. Annie Gray Sprunt
Willie Stargell Foundation, Inc.
Step up For Soldiers
Town of Surf City
Jeff and Jan Turpin
Verizon Wireless
Warner Bros. Television
Ms. Monica Watson
Wilmington Cape Fear Rotary Club
Wilmington Contractors Association, Inc.
Wilmington Housing Authority
Wilmington Rotary Club
Wilmington Woman’s Club
Linda J. Wilson
Winter Park Fire Department
Karen and Russell Zink

AARP Chapter 707
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahern
Ms. Susan A. Ahern
Mr. C. Edward Alexander III
and Mr. Tony Harrington
Alliance for Regional Concert Hall
American Association of Community Colleges
American Business Women’s Association
Andrew Consulting Engineers, P.C.
Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc.
Atlantic Marine
Employees of Atlantic Packaging
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barber
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Barefoot
Ms. Susan R. Bekaert
Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks No. 532
Ms. Priscilla K. Bergamini
Ms. Martha Blomberg Beery
Ms. Shirley Hart Berry
Mr. Frank Blake
BMW Porsche of Wilmington,
A Baker Motor Company
Bobby Benson Enterprise
Mrs. William J. Boney
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Braddy, Sr.
Bradley Creek Homemakers Club
Mr. Spence H. Broadhurst
The Brown Family
Connie and Philip E. Brown, LCDR, USN (Ret.)
Buffalo Wild Wings
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Buffaloe
The Burkholder Family
Mr. and Mrs. Julian H. Burnett
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Burney, Jr.
Cape Fear Area United Way, Inc.
Cape Fear Chapter NCACPA
Cape Fear Dental Study Club
Cape Fear Electrical Contractors Association
Cape Fear Fair and Expo
Mr. George Caplan
Mr. Frank Carter, Jr. and Dr. Deborah Carter
Ms. Jennifer C. Casey
Mrs. Diane C. Cashman
Chadsworth’s Columns
Chloride Systems
CITA Foundation at The Dallas Foundation
Ms. Lori Cobb
Coca-Cola Company
Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Advantage
Collision Repair Education Foundation
Compass Pointe Culinary Club
Confrerie de La Chaine des Rotisseurs Foundation
Mr. Lawrence S. Craige
Ms. Jennifer Cranford
Crowell Contractors Incorporated
Mrs. Carol J. Cullum
Ms. Daisy W. Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Neill A. Currie
Cypress Creek Renewables
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Davis
Delaney Radiology
Mr. and Mrs. Pete M. Devita
Diamond Vending & Food Service
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
The Duke Energy Foundation
Ms. Victoria J. Dull
Dr. and Mrs. Hubert A. Eaton, Jr.
Elite Estate Management
Mr. Joe Elphick
Enterprise Network Services, Inc.
Excite Credit Union
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fenner Drives
Fincannon & Associates
First Citizens Bank
Mrs. Elizabeth T. Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert T. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. H. Carlton C. Fisher
Forty & Eight Society of the American Legion
Foundation for the Carolinas
Four County Electric Membership Corporation
Dr. Michael Alexander Freeze
and Mr. L.S. “Bo” Dean, Jr.
Full Belly Project
GAF Building Products
Mr. Linwood Gainey and Mr. Frank Potter
Mr. Herbert M. Gant
Mrs. Kimberly B. Gant
Mr. and Mrs. Garry A. Garris
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Geary
Gene Haas Foundation
Golden Corral Charitable Fund
Ms. Frances H. Goodman
Got-Em-On Live Bait Club
Grainger Industrial Supply
Greater Wilmington Business Journal
Gregory Poole Equipment Company
Ms. Susan W. Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Zander Guy
Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Gwathmey
Hampstead Garden Club
Hampton Inn
Hanover Medical Specialists, P.A.
Mr. Bobby W. Harrelson
Mr. and Mrs. James Harting
Mrs. Michele J. Hartman
Ms. Susann H. Haskins
Mr. and Mrs. Dan H. Hickman
James and Madeline Hickmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Hill
Mr. William L. Hill III
Hilton Wilmington Riverside
Hobby Greenhouse Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Hogan
HomeCo Builders, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Homestead
Ms. Rosemary Howryla
Ms. Margaret D. Hutaff
International Paper Company Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Isham
Island Cardiology
James Walker Memorial Hospital
Nursing Alumni
Jay Taylor Exterminating Co., Inc.
Mr and Mrs. Mark S. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Jones
Ms. Jacqueline B. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keith
Ms. Jessie Newbold Kennedy
Dr. Peter Kezios and Dr. Sue M. Kezios
Ms. Kyle A. Kievit
Mr. Joe King
Kiwanis Club of Wilmington
Father Robert J. Kus
Kusek Financial Group LLC
Mrs. Jane H. Lambeth
La Que Center for Corrosion Technology, Inc.
Mr. Jim Lea III
Ms. Estell Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Adrian S. Lineberger
LM Restaurants, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mahan
The Martenis Family
Ms. Bettina E. Masschaele
Ms. Louise F. McColl in honor of
Margaret King Vinson
Mrs. Rachelle R. McGowan
Mr. Kyle H. McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. McKeithan, Jr.
William H. McLean, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. McMerty
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. McMillon
Mr. and Mrs. James McNally
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McNeill
Meridien Marketing and Logistics, Inc.
Ms. Sara F. Messer
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Miller III
Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Mills
The Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation
Ms. Janet H. Monterose
LTC (Ret) Gilbert Montgomery and
Dr. Carol L. Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moore
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James Mulligan
The Murchison Group of Wells Fargo Advisors
Myrtle and R. T. Sinclair, Jr. Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Richard and Mrs. Carol Nasca
National Junior College Athletic Association
Navy League of the US
Wilmington NC Council
Mr. Ted and Dr. Mary Ellen Naylor
nCino, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Neblett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Nesselroade
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nesselroade
New England Foundation for the Arts
New Hanover County Estate Planning
Mr. Fred F. Newber, Jr.
NHRMC Auxiliary, Inc.
North Carolina Arts Council
North Carolina Healthcare Engineers
Association, Inc
North Carolina Sorosis Club, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Owens
Estate of Rosalie P. Owens
Mrs. Frances A. Parker
Pathfinder Wealth Consulting
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Pearsall, Jr.
The Perkins Family
Estate of Adriana M. Perpall
Mr. Jeffrey W. Petro
Peyton Brooks Strickland Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Philpott
Ms. Winifred D. Pierce
Pizza Properties
Plantation Village
The Promise Foundation, Inc.
R.A. Jeffreys Distributing Company
of Wilmington, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Bubba W. Rawl
Raymond James & Associates
Reeds Jewelers
Regent Security Services, Inc.
Dr. Gabriel J. Rich, III
Ms. Jane Metts Rippy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rippy
Robert R. Bellamy Memorial Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Robison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Rodstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Root
Mr. and Mrs. William Rudisill
Patricia Shanks
Ms. Donna Schaefer
Arlene and Ronnie Schreiber
Ms. Elizabeth A. Schulz
Brady J. Semmel, DMD, MD, PA
SFI Group, Inc
Sharpe Architecture
Ms. Emily R. Sloan
Mr and Mrs. John R. Sloan
Smart Start of New Hanover County
Snip It, Inc.
South Arts Inc.
South State Bank
Joyce and Mickey Southerland
Southport Wooden Boat Show
Ms. Sandee Spradley
Estate of Elizabeth Harriss Sprunt
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Stone
Ms. Rhesa R. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Stovall, III
Mr. Lyle and Mrs. Sara Brooks Strassle
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strickland
Mr. John P. Sullivan
Mr. David Sweyer
Mr. an Mrs. John B. Talbert, Jr.
Talbert Family Foundation
Talk, Inc.
TFT & Co., Inc.
Ms. Marjorie B. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Thompson
Dr. and Mrs. Ellis A. Tinsley, Sr.
Ms. Julia M. Tommerdahl
Mr. and Mrs. Raiford G. Trask, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raiford G. Trask, III
Trinity Children Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Trubia
Mr. Terry Turner
USS North Carolina Submarine Commission
Ms. Sarah van Rens
Mrs. Gayle P. Van Velsor
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Vincent
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warren III
Mr. Patrick Watters
The Watts Family
Well Care Home Care
Wells Fargo Foundation
Ms. Mabel H. West
Mrs. Wanda West
Dr. Halley R. White, DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. White
Wieland Electric, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Williams, Jr.
Mr. Samuel A. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Williamson
Willie Stargell Foundation, Inc.
Wilmington Association of Independent
Insurance Agents
Wilmington Cape Fear Home Builders
Wilmington Central Rotary
Wilmington East Rotary Club
Wilmington Family YMCA
Wilmington Health
Wilmington Machinery
Wilmington Police Recreation Association
Wilmington West Rotary Club
Mr. and Mrs. Lanny T. Wilson
Mr. Jerry J. Wine
Mr. W. Cecil Worsley III
Mr. Jim Wrigglesworth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yang
Ms. Gloria J. Yoder
Mr. and Mrs. Mat F. White, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Zigler
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Zimmer
Zimmer Development Company
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Zimmer
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Zink

Ms. Susan A. Ahern
Ms. Janet W. Ashby
Mr. Philip E. Bloedorn
Mr. John Braswell
Mr. William R. Butler
Mr. William Bryan
Ms. Nancy J. Byrnes
Mr. Joel Peter Caplan
Ms. Mimi Caplan
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Carter
Mrs. Wilma W. Daniels
Mrs. Doris W. Eakes
Dr. Michael Alexander Freeze
and Mr. L.S. “Bo” Dean, Jr.
Ms. Pam Evans-Stein
Mr. Herbert M. Gant
Ms. Eleanor M. Greentree
James and Madeline Hickmon
Mr. Jimmy R. Hopkins and Mr.
Alan C. House
Ms. June M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Kusek
Mr. and Mrs. Allen T. Lamb
Ms. Anne M. Logan
Mrs. Mary Mincey Maines
Mr. James Mann
Mr. W. Daniel Martin III
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Mayew
Dr. Vidyut Mazzacca
Mrs. Dana K. McKoy
Mr. William Harvey McLean, Sr.
Mr. Edward Nesselroade
Mrs. Margery Burke Paylor
Radha Putcha, MD and
Rudy Ravindra, PhD
Mr. Henry “Van” Reid and
Ms. Patricia Casaw
Ms. Jane Metts Rippy
Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Rowe
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Saklad
Pattie and Arka Shanks
Mrs. Elizabeth Harriss Sprunt
Mr. Laurence G. Sprunt
Mrs. Sara Brooks Strassle
Mrs. Carolyn W. Tetirick
Mr. and Mrs. Jason R. Thompson
Ms Jean M. Van Velsor
Ms. Kay Warren
Ms. Monica Watson
Ms. Linda J. Wilson

Bethanie Benson
Rebecca Berger
Marie H. Bergh-Cook
Shana L. Biggs
Joan F. Bloom
Gayle Bordeaux
Carol J. Brown
Amanda Browne
Cathy Burwell
Heather L. Caldwell
Robert L. Carter
Jackie Casey
Tommy R. Casey
Debi Causey
Rachel S. Cavenaugh
Susan E. Clarke
Joel S. Clem
Val M. Clemmons
Donna Collentine
Rick Conn
Cameron Coulthard
Laura L. Currie
Shawn S. Dixon
Renee Dixon
Cheryl J. Fetterman
Cindy L. Fischer
Jackie G. Foster
Marcy S. Frazier
Dom Friant
Phil D. Garwood
Kristen Gerth
Bruce J. Gillingham
Mark L. Gray
Christina Greene
Caroline Greenough
Donna M. Grier
Shannon Gunter
Beverly H. Hardee
Robin Hardin
Christina W. Heikkila
Brenda F. Holland
Paige Howard
Bob O. Hudson
Jason Jennette
Cynthia M. Johnson
Sonya Johnson
Keenan E. Jones
Jeannie Jordan
Sandi Keith
Catherine Lee
Jonathan R. Lee
Patti Lewis
Katherine Maidman
Ryan P. Mantlo
Claudina R. McLiverty
Thomas W. McMillon
Angela Meeker
Meredith A. Merrill
John W. Metzger
Rebecca S. Miller
Susan D. Mock
Melissa R. Moon
Mary Ellen Naylor
Christine L. Oakley
Eric H. Pittenger
Jane Puckett
Dan Reid
Shawna M. Rowe
Shawn M. Russell
Trisa Russell
Kate J. Santhuff
Philip Singleton
Mike W. Smith
Joyce Spears
Kellee A. Stacks
Erica W. Talbert
Tim Vandenberg
Holly C. Walters
Brian D. Weeks
Keith L. Wilson
John Wojciechowski

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