Home / Our Place / Reservations


Welcome to Our Place

All of our meals are served on Wednesdays. Dinners are served during the fall semester and lunches are served during the spring semester.

Please read the information below to help you make a reservation for your party.

How do I make a reservation?

At the beginning of the fall and spring semesters, emails will go out to individuals who have requested reservations. Please be on the lookout for this email as reservations fill up quickly. Reservations will be booked via email only on a first come basis.

Parties may reserve a table for no more than two dates throughout the semester. Please include your email, phone number, seating time, party size and date requested. Our maximum party size is four.

Seating times for our fall dinners are 5:45 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Seating times for our spring lunches are 11:45 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.

Please be mindful if you are in a hurry to leave that these students are paying to learn, not paid employees. They are not always as adept at time management as employees selected for their experience and work skills.

On the other hand, if your party enjoys lingering at your table, we must request that all parties leave by 8:00 p.m. for dinner and 1:00 p.m. for lunch. This provides the class ample time to complete clean up and other closing procedures before class ending at 9:00 p.m. for dinner and 1:30 p.m. for lunch.

If all reservations are full, you are invited to communicate your interests by emailing Jodee Hibbs at jhibbs@cfcc.edu . Please include your name, email address, phone number, party size, preferred seating time and preferred date.

What do I do if I need to change or cancel my reservation?

Please notify us as early as possible! We are not a “real” restaurant and operate this class/lab with tax dollars. The product is purchased based on the number of guest reservations we have booked.

No-show guests waste public funds and rob students of the ability to have the learning experience they are paying for and is the function of the classes. Please notify us if you are unable to honor your reservation. We appreciate your helpfulness in this regard!

Why is it so hard to get a table?

Our dining room operates as a learning laboratory for students in our Dining Room Service and Culinary production classes, Classical or Global Cuisine. Due to our curriculum requirements, enrollment in other required courses, and our desire not to operate in competition with local restaurants employing our students, we are only “open” to invite the public to “come to class” one meal per week; dinner in the fall semester and lunch in the spring. Each table is “sat” only once so that the class service can be finished with time for cleaning and closing procedures completed before the end of class time. Some students have a class following their service class or may be scheduled for work at paying jobs that do not allow for them to stay longer than the allotted class time.

When is the dining room open to the public?

We are open on Wednesdays only. In the fall, our Classical Cuisine class prepares dinner and in the spring our Global Cuisine class prepares lunch. We are “open” to the public about 12 times a semester.

A few of those twelve times, we are closed to the public as we are hosting private parties of college donors or board members in thanks for their generosity. Due to the popularity of the dining experience at Our Place, we ask that parties limit the number of reservations per semester to three.

Do you keep a waiting list?

We do maintain a waiting list for reservations. In the event of a cancellation, the next customer on the list will be contacted and offered the available table. If you would like to add your party to the waiting list, please email Jodee Hibbs at jhibbs@cfcc.edu . Please include your name, phone number, email address, number of guests in your party and preferred date if you have one.

May I reserve the entire room for my group?

Groups wishing to learn more about ways they can support Cape Fear Community College students may contact the College Foundation . They direct us in closing the Dining Room to the general public to serve a private party.

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