Home / Programs of Study / Health & Human Services / Radiography / Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

I have received my letter of acceptance from CFCC as a Pre-Radiography student. What happens now?
When students apply to the college they indicate which program of study they wish to pursue. As a pre-radiography student, you are ready to begin taking any courses still needed to meet the admissions requirements for the program and your general education courses that are listed in the radiography program curriculum. These general education classes will apply to your degree and earn you points towards the selective admissions point count. There is a separate application process for admission into the Radiography Program each spring. After the “skills assessment course” in the summer, classes begin in August for the top 18 students. Radiography classes are only taken after students are accepted into the program.
How do I find out more information about the program?
The fastest way to find out more information is right here on the Radiography website . Program information packets are found here, in the CFCC Admissions Department in Union Station and in the Health Science Building Room L304 in the downtown campus. Interested students are strongly encouraged to attend one information session during each application period.
What are the required courses before applying to the program?
Interested applicants must have obtained a grade of “C” or better a high school or a college biology course. In addition, you must have a minimum GPA of 2.5. Please refer to the most current application packet for more specifics.

Admission to the program is competitive and is based on a point system and a “skills assessment course”. In order to increase your chances of being accepted, you will need to take the general education courses that are part of the curriculum. Additional points are awarded to students who have taken a chemistry and physics course and have attended a program information session. See the point count worksheet for more information.

How long is the waiting list for the radiography program?
There is no waiting list. All applicants must go through the application process each spring.
How many students apply to the radiography program each year?
The program has had over 100 applicants in one application period. 18 -20 students are accepted each year. The top 32 applicants are invited to attend a “Skills Assessment” course in the summer. The top 18 -20 students from this course are accepted into the fall class. The number admitted is based on the number of clinical slots available, anticipated employment needs in the communities served and space availability in the program lab sections.
What is the length of the program once I am accepted as a Radiography student?
The radiography program is a two year, full-time program. Radiography courses are taught in a required order over the five semesters of the program. Most students admitted into the program have completed all general education courses within the curriculum; however, this does not decrease the length of the program.
Do I need CPR certification to be accepted into the program?
Only upon acceptance into the program will you be required to obtain a 2 year American Heart Association CPR for Healthcare Workers Certification. Specific information will be given at orientation.
Are there any night classes?
There are no evening classes; however, some clinical education rotations may require evening and / or weekend hours (schedules are given in advance of the semester)
Will I get to choose the clinical sites where I will attend clinical education?
No. All students will rotate through most/all program clinical sites. See the program’s clinical sites.
What is the hospital environment like?
The hospital environment is hectic and sometimes stressful. Things to consider include your ability to adapt to changing environments, communicate effectively, handle stressful situations, you will be on your feet all day, moving and lifting patients. You will be going to the operating room, the emergency room, working directly with sick patients and their families, trauma, infectious diseases (AIDS, hepatitis, MRSA, Covid and other pathogens), giving enemas, and performing venipuncture. The radiography profession is no different than any other health care profession. We encounter sick, injured and dying patients.
What is the average salary for a radiographer?
For the most recent trends please see the Occupational Outlook Handbook for Radiologic Technologists , provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Can having a past felony conviction affect my qualifications for the program and a career in radiography?
Criminal background checks are required for attendance at the clinical sites. If you have ever been convicted of a felony, then you may not be able to attend clinical education. In addition, you may not be allowed to sit for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists national certification registry exam. This means that you can never become a registered radiographer. If you have ever been convicted of a felony then you are advised to contact the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and get this issue resolved prior to applying for acceptance into this program. For more information go to visit ARRT .
Where are the classes taught for the Radiography program?
The radiography program classroom and lab are located on the third floor of the “L” Health Science building, on the downtown CFCC campus at 415 N. 2nd street, Wilmington, NC.
Are there any health risks associated with this profession?
Radiography students will be exposed to low levels of scattered x-rays during fluoroscopy, mobile radiography and surgical procedures. A lead apron is required to be worn when performing these exams. Student radiation dose is monitored and reports are reviewed quarterly. Powerful disinfectants will be used by students for areas touched by patients. Gloves are required when using these products. Students are exposed to communicable diseases. Standard Precautions as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must be practiced at all times.
Are there any online courses?
No, all classes are held in-person
Will I need to touch patients?
Yes, as a student and future radiographer you must provide appropriate patient care at all times. This will include assisting patients to and from the wheelchair/stretcher and bed, providing basic care to the patient when sick and positioning the patient for optimal images. You will also encounter blood, bodily fluids and odors.
Will I have to work with needles in radiography?
Yes, there are times radiographers may start IVs.
What can I expect as a typical day in Clinic?
Your day will vary depending on what type of facility that you are assigned to. You will perform routine x-rays, mobile exams, fluoroscopy, and surgery. Students will always receive supervision from registered technologists while in clinic. The level of supervision will be based on the student’s competency of the procedure/exam and type of exam.
What are important some skills that would help me be successful as a student?
Students who possess effective communication, critical thinking, professional ethics, time management, and dedication to academics will assist in student’s success.
How much will it cost to attend the Radiography program?
Students can find a fee break down in the Radiography Information Packet. These fees are current at the time of publishing and can change based on clinical requirements.
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