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Testing Services

CFCC offers testing resources to current students, prospective students, and the community.

Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS)

The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is required for some selective admissions nursing and health occupation programs.

Learn More and Register

Placement Testing

Required Testing

Placement Testing is required only for the following first responder programs: BLET, EMT Basic, Wilmington Firefighters, Advanced EMT, Paramedic, and EMS.

Testing to Improve Course Placement

Placement Testing options to improve course placement are available for applicants who meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Graduated from a US High School more than 10 years ago with an unweighted gpa less than 2.8
  • Received one of the following High School Equivalency credentials: GED (prior to 2014), HiSet, TASC
  • Graduated from an adult high school (AHS) program without an eligible gpa
  • Graduated from a foreign high school

If you are testing for a first responder program or eligible to take the RISE placement test to improve your course placement as described above, you can schedule your test here .

Schedule Your First Responder or RISE Placement Test

Other Testing Information

Schedule GED® Testing

Schedule Pearson VUE Professional Testing

Tests Offered

  • RISE Placement Test for Eligible Applicants (see requirements above)
  • Pre-Admissions Test Required for First Responder Programs
  • GED® Testing
  • Pearson VUE Professional Certifications
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