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CCP Policies and Procedures

Entering and Maintaining Successful Enrollment

Program Costs

Tuition is waived for college courses taken as a dual-enrolled student; however, students are responsible for all fees , including but not limited to technology, activity, and parking/security fees. Payments are due to the CFCC Business Office by the deadlines posted on the Academic Calendar at the time of registration. Failure to pay fees will result in automatic removal from your courses. Students are also responsible for purchasing required textbooks and supplies, including all applicable hardcopy texts, electronic texts, and necessary kits/software subscriptions/etc. for their chosen pathway. Hardcopy text fees can be found through our campus bookstore. Electronic text fees and proctoring fees will appear on the course pop-up at the point of registration. Students in CCP are eligible to apply to CFCC scholarships to go towards the cost of fees and/or textbooks. Transportation funding is not available for Career and College Promise students.

Length of Eligibility

Students who are successfully progressing toward high school graduation have access to the CCP program for one year as a junior (beginning in the fall semester) and one year as a senior, with a two year maximum eligibility. High school graduation cannot be extended to secure extra time in the CCP program. The high school graduation date will determine the end of eligibility.


All courses listed in the College Transfer Pathways will transfer to UNC system schools under the Statewide Comprehensive Articulation Agreement , provided the student earns a grade of C or higher in the course. Grades below a C do not transfer. All Career and Technical Education Pathways systems count toward the community college certificate, diploma, or degree programs. Most courses in the Career and Technical Education Pathways are not college transferable. To assess the transferability of any credits in the Career and Technical Education Pathways, it is the student’s responsibility to review the Pathway courses in conjunction with the most recent version of the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement provided by the community college system.

Be aware that while this is the grading scale used by CFCC, the final grade awarded in a course is a letter grade only. Your high school converts that letter grade onto the high school transcript. See the conversion chart here:

CFCC Grade to High School Grade Conversion

CFCC Grade Scale
High School Report Card Grade
A=90-100 A=95
B=80-89 B=85
C=70-79 C=75
D=60-69 D=65
F=0-59 F=55
***UGETC Courses-you must make a C or higher for the credits to transfer to a University*** **College Transfer Courses are AP Weighted**

While the college primarily operates on a 10-point grading scale, please be advised that certain courses in our Career and Technical Education (CTE) health science-focused pathways utilize an 8-point grading scale. This will be clearly communicated in the course syllabus on the first day of class. It is the student’s responsibility to carefully review the syllabus and take note of the grading scale as part of their preparation for the course.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law protecting student education records’ privacy. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable U.S. Department of Education program. Under FERPA, the rights to student educational records transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. This means that CCP students, regardless of age, have had the right to their educational records transferred to them upon enrollment in CFCC courses. Parents/guardians cannot access these records without the student’s written consent. It is the right of the student, under federal law, to grant or withhold access to these educational records.

Suppose a student does wish to give written consent, allowing members of the college staff and faculty to speak with parents/guardians about the student’s educational record. In that case, the student must complete the Disclosure Request Form through our Registrar’s Office. This form has to be completed by the student and presented to the Registrar’s Office. The form is now also accessible online via SoftDocs in the Student Portal. If the student elects to grant access, they need to provide their security questions and answers to any third party to whom they have given access. Under normal circumstances, faculty will communicate with the student, who may share information with family members.

It is also important to note that while a FERPA release form does give the assigned third party the right to review a student’s record, it does not grant permission for that third party to direct a student’s education, registration, etc., at CFCC. At no point should a third party email a staff or faculty member of the college regarding a student’s enrollment, assignments, grading, etc. That is the student’s responsibility, and all such correspondence must come directly through the student’s secure CFCC email account.

Student Email

Upon admission, students should check their CFCC student email accounts daily. From the point of admission forward, all correspondence to the student will be sent and must be received through their secure CFCC student email account. We will not communicate with students concerning their educational records through any personal email or email issued by an outside institution…only through their CFCC email account. The CFCC student email account will be where they access important email reminders and communications from the college. Also, students hereby agree to abide by our Acceptable Use Policy , item #2 in particular, which reads:

An access account assigned to a user must not be used by any other individual. Users are responsible for adequately using their accounts, including proper password protection and appropriate use of the College’s computing resources. Obtaining another user’s password, allowing friends, family, co-workers, or any other individual use of your or another user’s account, or unauthorized use of an access account is a severe violation of this policy.

This means that at no time should a parent/guardian be using a student’s email account or other digital correspondence. If students have questions, concerns, or requests for assistance, they are responsible for addressing those directly with CCP team members, faculty, or staff.

Student Athletes

Any student-athlete that participates in a certified sport under the North Carolina High School Association (NCHSA) must meet certain eligibility requirements and guidelines. Please seek guidance and approval from your respective high school Athletic Director before taking college courses at CFCC to ensure academic progress and athletic eligibility for the current/upcoming season(s). Please understand that your academic performance at CFCC does affect eligibility, scholarships, etc.

Adhering to all course policies, as outlined in your course syllabi, does factor into your grade (academic integrity, attendance, etc.). It is your responsibility to meet with your High School Athletic Director as part of your planning process each semester and then keep your commitments to your CFCC academics so that you do not end up in a situation where you lose eligibility or scholarship opportunities.

Future Financial Aid Eligibility

All classes taken in this program become a part of a student’s permanent college record. Any unsuccessfully completed class (either failed or withdrawn from) negatively impacts a student’s future eligibility for financial aid. Poor performance in the program will reflect in a low collegiate GPA, which may also affect transfer opportunities.

Notification of School Changes

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the CCP office of any changes to their school status immediately. If you change schools after applying to the program, you must notify our office through your CFCC email address of that change and provide an updated high school transcript and any other required documentation.

Notification of Graduation Status

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the CCP office immediately of any changes to their graduation date. Student Eligibility ends with high school graduation. Any terms that begin after the high school graduation date are not eligible for enrollment as a CCP student. For students to continue at CFCC after graduation from high school, they must reapply to the college as general, degree-seeking, non-CCP students. Here are the steps for this process.

In that case, they should reapply to the college in early January so that they will not be prohibited from registering for Fall classes when priority registration opens in the spring for the fall semester. If a student fails to notify us of their graduation date and we discover that they have continued in CCP, tuition-free, when they are no longer eligible…that student will be billed for any courses they took that were beyond their period of eligibility. So please, notify us immediately of any changes to your high school graduation date.

Information on Selecting Courses

Course Selections

Once accepted to the Career and College Promise Program, you will only be allowed to register for the college classes listed in your pathway(s) of choice; you may not enroll in classes outside of your pathway. Registering in any courses outside of your pathway will result in a hold being placed on your account, preventing further registration, followed by the removal of all courses from your schedule that fall outside of your pathway.

Limited Self-Registration

We operate on a limited self-registration model for our CCP students. CCP students can self-register for their course from the opening of priority registration up to a designated date (publicized by the CCP office through posts in Google Classroom, many emails, and text blasts). At the designated self-registration deadline, the student will not be able to adjust their schedules without the assistance of the CCP team. CCP students can still have adjustments made to their schedules after the self-registration deadline but will have to do so in cooperation with their Career Coach/CCP Liaison and must adhere to the following steps to add or drop a course.

  • Steps to ADD a course: If a student would like to add a course after the self-registration window has closed, the student will need to communicate with their CFCC Career Coach/CCP Liaison via email or by booking an appointment. Email option: Students must plan the desired course in self-service, then email their Career Coach/CCP Liaison notifying them of the specific course they have planned in self-service (ex: I have planned ENG-111-I01 in self-service. Will you please register me for this course? Thank you!). The Career Coach will review the course to ensure it aligns with your pathway. If so, they will register you for the course.
  • Steps to DROP a course: If a student wishes to remove a course from their schedule after the self-registration window closes, they will have to email their high school counselor/designee requesting permission to drop their course(s). This will ensure that the high school is aware of/approves of this drop and can ensure that dropping the course does not put you in violation of a high school policy or adversely affect graduation. The high school counselor will email the CFCC Career Coach permission that the CCP Student is eligible to drop the course(s). The CFCC Career Coach will send an email confirmation letting the student know once the course has been dropped.

Extracurriculars and Scheduling CFCC Courses

It is imperative to understand that Cape Fear Community College does not excuse absences for extracurricular activities such as band or sports events, etc. Cape Fear’s courses maintain rigorous academic standards that prioritize consistent attendance and active participation.

If you are involved in an extracurricular activity or sport that you know will require you to miss classes for away games, competitions, etc., you must not enroll in CFCC courses that meet in person or synchronously online during those times. Your absences due to extracurricular commitments will not be excused at CFCC and would result in failure of the course.

Program Adjustments and Limitations

Students may be enrolled in a maximum of 2 CCP pathways. However, students can only be enrolled in one College Transfer Pathway (CTP) at a time. Students may change or add pathways with permission from their high school principal/designee and by consulting with their assigned Career Coach/CCP Liaison. However, these adjustments require verification from the student concerning how this change meets a newly chosen career path and justification documentation in the form of a Baccalaureate Degree Plan or information published in the Occupational Outlook Handbook .

The Career Coach/ CCP Liaison will discuss this with you, help to secure the required justification documentation, and will initiate a Career and College Promise Program Change Form. The form must be signed by the Principal or High School Designee, the student, the Director of Educational Partnerships, and the VP of Student Services. You must not register for courses in additional pathways until the paperwork has been fully processed to make that pathway an active option in your student record.

Course Prerequisites

Students must meet prerequisites for each pathway before enrollment. Likewise, students must meet prerequisite requirements for each course before registration. For students using AP/CLEP scores to satisfy prerequisites and/or gain college credit towards completing their pathway, official score reports from College Board must be submitted to the college. These official score transcripts must be received, reviewed, and credits assigned to the student’s record by the CFCC Registrar before registration in the desired course is allowed and before a pathway completion form can be submitted.

Course Withdrawal

To withdraw from a class, students must follow the steps listed on the Withdrawal webpage . Once the student has completed the online form, they must have their high school counselor send an email directly to their Cape Fear CCP Liaison/Career Coach, informing the Cape Fear CCP Liaison/Career Coach that the student has permission from the high school to withdraw from the class. This step helps ensure that students are not withdrawing from courses that would negatively impact their high school graduation. The email from the high school counselor should contain:

  • Student’s name
  • Student’s CFCC ID number
  • Course to withdraw from
  • A statement indicating they have the school’s approval to withdraw.

Once the form is submitted by the student and the email received from the high school counselor, the Cape Fear CCP Liaison/Career Coach will then push the request forward for processing. No withdrawals can be requested during the last week of the semester.

Accessibility and Academic Accommodations

Student Accessibility Services (SAS) is committed to providing support to students with disabilities (i.e., physical, mental, learning, vision, or hearing) and works with all areas of the college to ensure that programs, facilities, and activities are accessible to all students. Please note that high school accommodations do not automatically transfer to the college setting. Students who have a disability and would like accommodations are encouraged to contact the SAS office directly.

Program Completion

High school students in a CCP Curricular Pathway (CTP or CTE), leading to a full degree, may take select additional courses beyond the pathway requirements in the associate degree (or diploma in some CTE instances that do not offer an associate degree level) if they have only two courses left in the CCP pathway, are successfully registered for those remaining courses, and have successfully submitted a pathway completion form. A third class may be approved if the student has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 in all CFCC coursework.

Again, the student must be enrolled in the remaining pathway classes, showing projected pathway completion in that semester, before the completed form can be achieved. The student can register for the limited number of additional courses specified above. Once the CCP pathway is fully completed, the student may continue taking classes for the full degree, but the Program Completion Form will need to be processed by the CCP coach first. If the student drops a required pathway course in a semester in which they are supposed to be completing the pathway, then any courses they were allowed to register for outside their pathway toward the total degree MUST BE DROPPED.

What to Expect From College Classes

Taking Online Courses

There are special considerations for students when choosing online courses. CFCC’s online courses are not self-paced; there will be deadlines for assignments, usually weekly, sometimes with multiple assignments due in one week. Students in online classes must manage time exceptionally well, as missed appointments cannot be made up.

Attendance in online classes is measured by completing projects; missing too many assignments (as designated on the course syllabus) may result in a student not passing the class. Many types of resources may be provided in online courses to help students learn, such as an e-book, lab kit, lecture notes or PowerPoints, video links, discussion boards, and sample documents or examples. Learning in an online environment requires the student to review all materials and study independently, then complete tests or quizzes and other assignments. Faculty are available to help, as are tutoring services, but students must actively reach out for that help and may need to meet on campus to receive the best support. The North Campus and Downtown Campus have Learning Labs and in-person tutoring available to current students. Click here to complete a Learning Lab Tutor Request. There are also online tutoring options through ThinkingStorm Online Tutoring .

Your college course will become available in Canvas on the first day of the semester. You will find your course syllabus, assignment due dates, instructor announcements, gradebook, and additional course content in Canvas. New students should view the Canvas Orientation Video to become more familiar with navigating Canvas.

If you are taking an online, blended or hybrid course, then you need to complete the Enrollment Verification quiz to remain in the course. This quiz will be available within your Canvas course on the first day of the semester. If you do not complete the Enrollment Verification quiz by the Census Date, then you will be dropped from the course. Click here to view important information on getting started in an online course.

Class Attendance

CFCC instructors have attendance policies that are presented in their syllabi. There are no excused absences at the college level. Students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements will be awarded an “F.” Students should be familiar with the withdrawal policies of the College to prevent failing a class due to lack of attendance.

Faculty Expectations of College Students

All students, regardless of age, will be treated the same in CFCC classes. College classes shift more of the responsibility to the student. You will experience changes: Attendance and grading policies may vary by class and instructor. Students must review and follow guidelines for each class. Most instructors do not accept late work or allow resubmissions.

Instructors do not reach out to students who miss assignments; this doesn’t mean they don’t care about students, but they treat students like adults. Assignments students miss throughout the semester add up and cannot be submitted near the end of a semester to increase a low grade. College instructors expect students to advocate for themselves, ask questions, raise any concerns, etc. If a student wants to understand where a grade came from, ask for help, clarify a policy, or discuss a challenge they’re facing, the student should be the one to connect with the instructor. This is a valuable life skill, and faculty appreciate this display of maturity.

Academic Rigor and Maturity

By enrolling in this program, you and your parents/guardians are verifying that you are ready to rise to the occasion of dual enrollment academically and in your maturity. This means you will thoroughly review all course syllabi and adhere diligently to course policies, attendance policies, deadlines, grading rubrics, etc. This also means that you, the student, will take ownership of and be invested in your education. Often college policies are more strict than those you may have experienced previously. Still, you are now agreeing to abide by all college policies as a full member of the college community.

Students agree to be self-advocates and be responsible for directly communicating concerns or questions with their instructors. This builds necessary self-advocacy skills, which will be crucial for you in higher education. We consider it inappropriate for parents/guardians to be in communication with faculty regarding a student’s instruction. We encourage parents/guardians to have the student communicate with their instructors and the college staff as a way of fostering/coaching in self-advocacy and maturity.

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