Our Mission & Policies
Library Mission Statement
We provide resources, services, and instruction that directly contribute to student success.
- To assume an integral support role in fulfilling the mission of the college.
- To provide library services and well organized, accessible collections in various formats consistent with the needs of the instructional programs.
- To provide access to educational technology and instruction in its use.
- To provide a learning environment for users in which they can be free to explore interests at a learning pace tailored to individual needs.
- To support the development of an enlightened and conscionable citizenry through the provision of a range of materials which express a variety of viewpoints and reflect multicultural diversity
Learning Resource Center Users
Library Cards
ID cards are issued in the Union Station Building Business Office on the Wilmington Campus and in the McKeithan Center Business Office on the North Campus. To get an ID , you will need a current schedule and photo identification (ie. driver’s license, passport, military ID).
Community patrons must be 18 years of age or older; they will also need to provide a picture I.D. and two documents verifying their current address and residency status in New Hanover or Pender Counties. Visit the Community Patron webpage for further information.
Borrowing Procedures
Loan Periods and Fines
Patrons with overdue materials or fines and charges may be restricted from checking out additional Library materials and, in some cases, may face other campus restrictions.
General Circulation Info
Collection | Loan Period | Fine |
General Circulating Books | 3 weeks | 10¢ a day, max. $10.00 |
Children’s Literature | 7 days | 10¢ a day, max. $10.00 |
Young Adult | 3 weeks | 10¢ per day, max. $10.00 |
Audiobooks | 3 weeks | 10¢ per day, max. $10.00 |
Videocassettes (VHS) | 3 weeks | 10¢ per day, max. $10.00 |
Music CDs | 7 days | 10¢ per day, max. $10.00 |
DVDs | 7 days | $1.00 a day, max. $10.00 |
Interlibrary Loans | Varies | $1.00 per day, max. $25.00 |
Reserve Items | Varies | $1.00 per hour, max. $25.00 |
Learning Resource Center Online Catalog
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
Journal ILL Request Form
If the item can be borrowed from another library, it can take up to 7-10 days to receive the requested item. Due to COVID-19, our shipping turnaround on interlibrary loans has stretched from the usual 7-10 days to 2-3 weeks. Videos and other audiovisual materials are not available from other libraries through interlibrary loan. ILL request forms are also available at the Reference and Circulation Desks.
Study/Viewing Rooms
Photocopiers are located near the Circulation Desks. A change machine is available or you may request change for larger bills at the Circulation Desk. Copies are $0.05 per side black & white. Color copies are available for $0.35 per side.
Scanning is free for both color and black & white scans. Documents can be scanned in either .pdf or .jpg format onto a USB drive. If you do not have your own USB drive, the library can provide one for you for in-library use.
Public Phones
Services for the Disabled
Computer Use
All computer users are expected to adhere to the College’s Computer Acceptable Use policy published in the annual CFCC Catalog and Student Handbook . Headphones are required when accessing sites that include sound. Abuse of the Internet may result in loss of all LRC privileges. Individuals under the age of 16 are permitted to use the computers only if they are currently registered CFCC students.
Library Conduct in the Learning Resource Center
- Commercial use of computers or viewing obscene/pornographic sites (or any other violation of the CFCC Acceptable Use Policy)
- Drinking near Library computers, equipment, books, or journals (Securely covered beverages are permitted in other areas of the Library)
- Eating
- Damaging or defacing facilities or resources
- Loud cell phone use (Please be courteous and take phone calls outside)
- Leaving children unattended
- Entering the Library with duffel bags, bedrolls, sleeping bags, trash bags, or shopping carts
- Selling, soliciting, or panhandling
- Disrupting other users due to poor hygiene
- Prolonged sleeping
- Disruptive behavior, rowdiness, or excessive noise
- Possession of alcohol or of a controlled substance
- Smoking or the use of tobacco products
Report misconduct to any service desk.
Confidentiality of Library User Records
§ 125-19. Confidentiality of library user records
(a) Disclosure. — A library shall not disclose any library record that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials, information, or services, or as otherwise having used the library, except as provided for in subsection (b).
(b) Exceptions. — Library records may be disclosed in the following instances:
(1) When necessary for the reasonable operation of the library;
(2) Upon written consent of the user; or
(3) Pursuant to subpoena, court order, or where otherwise required by law.